chapter 6

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Me: chapter 6 ;)
Let's goooooo-

You felt his lips on yours and blush as you felt his tongue inserting your mouth. Melting in his kiss he twirl his tongue with yours, sucking on your mouth you moan as felt your knees begin to weaken. Sebastian notices and picks you up as you wrap your legs around his waist and wrap your arms around his neck. Kissing him deeply you just moan as his hand made it way down to your butt, grabbing your left butt he squeeze it making you flinch and moan. Sebastian felt happy that you were feeling turned on, he then stops the kiss and tales his tongue out showing a line of saliva being connected between you and him. Looking at him, he kissed your neck and suck on it making you moan again, you bit on your lips softly and kiss his hair trying to do something for him. Feeling your ass being squeeze you felt tingly down there. Starting to feel tingly you begin to move your hips and rub yourself on him, sebastian groans as he knows what your doing and smirks, "ohh my~ who would of thought you would beg for it" he says as you blush, going back to your face he once again kiss you. Both of you kissing deeply you rub yourself onto him as he did to, moaning you became insane or intoxicated by his affection and his kisses. You wanted more and more of it, knowing what would happened but you begin to think about it, "does he love me?" You thought in your head.

Sebastian who was enjoying the moment he also thought of the same question as you. Having a dry hump moment you then felt something tighten down there as you moan more in the kiss, knowing what about to happen sebastian thrust more force making you moan more, gripping on his back you then felt something released.

Sebastian then stops kissing you as both slide to the ground panting. You are panting and felt amazing, you didn't know what it was but it felt awsome and stress relieving, as if you recieve a massage from a professional.

While panting sebastian look at you as he had lustful eyes and a smile on his face, feeling very hot inside you also look at him.
"W-what was that?" You said as you pant and felt happy. Sebastian chuckles and lick his lips, "that my dear...was a dry orgasm..." he says as he lays on the ground panting and feeling amazing as well.

"Dry orgasm? Isn't that when you have sex?" You says as you sit in a position that covers your leg knowing you still had a towel on. Sebastian just smiles, "a dry orgasm can also come from dry feels amazing right?" He says as he glances at you from down where he is. You then begin to breath normally again and smile, "that was amazing...the best..." you said as sebastian leans up and crawls toward you as you just stared at him not moving.

Putting his hands on yours, he guide your hand to his lips as he kisses it, " seems that I have fallen in love with a relationship between employees must not be made but...I can't help but to love you..." he says as he glance at you. You look at him and blush, feeling happy by co fession as you nod and begin to tear up a bit, "I to...have fallen in love with you...I know these feelings must not be heard...but hearing you say that...I really want you to know I like you.." you say as you look away feeling shy. Sebastian chuckles as he pulls you to him to embrace you, "would you like to date me y/n?" He says as you nod, "yes sebastian..." you said as you were happy, very happy.

Sebastian then gets up as he smiles, "I'l let you get ready, sorry for barging in and making a steamy love with you..." he says as he walks to the door. Making you flush you nod your head as he walks out. Grabbing your clothes you put it on quickly which was the same outfit as yesterday.

Finishing, you opened the door and look at sebastian as he glance at you and grins, "it seems you are teasing me~" he says as you cover your chest, "umm...So...I would like to have a proper relationship before dking... the nasty with you..." you say glancing at him and blushing. Sebastian just chuckled and nods, "I suppose you are right, I guess I'll really have to make you want me so bad..." he says, stepping away from the door he made his way to the bathroom and closing it slowly only looking at you and smirking.

Blushing redly you walk quickly back to your room and shutting it. You lay on your bed and thought about what just happened in the bathroom.

Going to sleep you dreamed about your family but then it went to dreaming about sebastian.

It was the next day and you woke up blushing, "ohhh no" you thought to yourself as you get up and start dressing up. You wonder why you had to dreamed if sebastian but it was such a good dream to you.

Going out the room dressed up you walk out the room and quickly walk to the kitchen not wanting to see sebastian. You couldn't, you were just shy or embarrassed. You wanted to see sebastian but you were just shy, walking into the kitchen you grab the ingredients and the equipments and started cooking.

After you finish cooking you ate the breakfast and cleaned, leaving the kitchen you went to clean the rooms that haven't been cleaned yet. Talking with mey-rin, you finish quickly and went to the garden to help with finny.

"Hey y/n!" Finny shouted as you were walking toward him, you smile at him and giggle, "hello finny, do you need some help? With the garden?" You ask as you look at him. Finny was cover in dust or dirt, his boots were a bit wet and muddy, and he was also sweaty.

Finny looks at you and nod happily, "yeah! I don't mind, sebastian says that helping can be fun and very great " he tells you as if he was repeating a lesson. You smile at him and went to grab some cloves and grab a hose as you start watering some of the plants that finny didn't water.

"Hey y/n your pretty!" Finny says as you blush and look at him, "t-thank you finny...." you said looking away shyly.

Meanwhile sebastian was walking down the hall, he then sees you and finny talking but most of all he saw how you were blushing. Sebastian did not like it, in fact he show more of a dark expression as if he showing he dislike it.

As the day goes on, you had fun but you were also sad not being able to see sebastian. What made you shy was the fact of what happened at the bathroom, being a noble you were taught to not do such things until your married but for the first time you broke that one rule. You were overwhelm and shy, heading back to your room you grab your clothes and go take a shower quickly, after the bath you head back to the room and lock the door.

You cover yourself in the blanket and left the candles on as you begin to think about sebastian, you begin to remember what he did and how it felt. The pleasure you were having for the first time, the pleasure of being with another.

Wait for the next chapter :)
P.s. I wrote an undertaker x reader story, be sure to check it out if you want.
Thanks for reading <3

Sebastian Michealis x Reader Where stories live. Discover now