Imagines: Sebastian Stan x Chris Evans x reader - Piano

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After checking your red lipstick one more time in the mirror, you spin around for the door, deliberately making your dress swirl in the process.  You can't wait for all the dancing tonight, especially when your "special friend" has told you that he's bringing you to this themed bar and they're having a 1940s theme party this evening.

You've been having a lot of fun with Chris these days.  You two met through friends, after you broke up with Sebastian.  It was painful but it was a way.  You had an agreement and he broke it.  When you first met, he told you that he only wanted something casual, and you told him that's exactly what you wanted too.  So you saw him for quite a while, until things started to get weird and he tried to push for something more serious.  You're not sure how you felt, especially since it was so sudden and completely took you by surprise, so you freaked out and called the whole thing off.  You did one of the worst things you could do - you simply disappeared and ignored all his messages.

You try to shake off the thought.  You're supposed to have fun tonight.  No strings attached.

"Hey, you there yet?"  Chris sends you a text when you're two blocks away.

"2 mins"  You text back.  You smooth your dress down on the sides of your thighs, sighing happily at how good you look, after two whole weeks of scavenging the right stuff from thrift shops and vintage boutiques.  A 1940s theme party does require quite specific clothes.

You hear the bar before you can even see it, with the upbeat music coming through the opened doors whenever people go in and out of the place.

"Oh, my, god."  You spot Chris and you can't believe what you see.  That man is looking absolutely gorgeous in a retro military suit, even though he's carrying his jacket folded inside out on his arm.

"Hey."  You tap on his shoulder to catch the attention from this phone-staring man.

He turns his head and instantly his brows lift at you, "Wow!"

You giggle, "You're not so bad yourself.  Where did you get this outfit?"

"From some friends, I have no idea where they got it."  He places your hand through his bent arm and leads you to the entrance.  "I didn't dare to wear the whole thing and walk around though.  Don't want to get into trouble as a military imposter or something."

"Come on," you give him a once-over, "there's no way anybody who owns this vintage uniform looking this young today!"

"You never know."  He raises his voice over the loud music, and puts his jacket on.

In front of you, you're met by a scene so incredible that you've no doubt travelled back in time without a time machine.  Everybody has put efforts into their era-appropriate outfits: the make-up is spot on, the hair is spot on...the venue has even hired somebody to take photos with some vintage-looking camera.  It's insanely impressive.

"Wow, this is really something."  You nod, both impressed and mesmerised by everything that's happening around you.  "Oh!"

Without giving you any warning, Chris gives you hand a little pull, and spins you right into his arms.

Without giving you any warning, Chris gives you hand a little pull, and spins you right into his arms

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