Trust Me This Is A Blessing

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~~ Sophia's POV ~~ 

We looked at clothes in Forever 21, it's fun to do this with Danielle. She is different once you get to know her. We both just got off on the wrong foot. 

But some things of what she said, I couldn't get out of my mind. Like how did she not know that my dad had a kid? I mean, she can easily google him and it will say that he has a child and I am pretty sure lots of his fans talk about me whether it's good or bad. 

It just seems a bit odd to me. 

"What do you think?" she asks as she holds up a cute long sleeved blue knitted sweater. 

"I think the crimson one would like better on you," I said as I grabbed the crimson-colored one and held it up to her. 

She smiled, "I agree!" She placed the blue one back on the rack and grabbed the crimson one, "sold!" 

I laughed, "Well, I'm buying this cute crop top just to see dad's reaction when I wear it." She laughed as well. It was her idea, actually. 

"But I have to be there when you do it." 

"Of course! You're gonna have to stop him from hiding up in the attic for the rest of my life." We began walking towards the registers. I took out the credit card dad gave me before he left, it had a limit of $200. Which is more than plenty? 

"Put it back," Danielle said as she looked at my card.


"I am paying. It's my treat, especially after how I treated you." I sighed to myself and put my card back into my phone wallet. "I never thought I would be doing this." 

"Waiting in line at Forever 21 for ages?" 

"No, I do that all the time," she chuckled. "But I mean this. Me taking out a boyfriend's kid to go shopping. I never thought I would ever be doing that." 

"Is that bad?" 

"No," she smiles at me. "It's amazing that I get to do this, I wish I did it sooner." 

Come to think about it, I ever thought about my dad having a girlfriend. It didn't cross my mind. Well, until Danielle showed it up, it didn't cross my mind. 

Finally, it was our turn to pay. Danielle paid for the items and I grabbed the bags. 

"What next?" she asks as we walked out of Forever 21. 

"Hot topic is a must." 

"Of course," She smiled. 

We walked towards the Hot Top entrance. "Now this place might be a danger zone for us," I said as I walked in. I was greeted by an employee as soon as I entered. 

Thankfully it was almost empty, the only people in there were employees and a couple looking at the Harry Potter section of the store. 

I went over to the Star Wars section, "you like Star Wars?" Danielle asks

I nod, "I love it." I sighed to myself, "Can I ask you something?" 


"How did you not know that my dad had a kid? I mean you obviously knew who he was and you can easily see that he does have a kid by googling him. Even by looking at his twitter." 

She sighed, "When I first met your dad I thought he was just some regular guy other than the fact that he was a famous musician. Also at the time, I didn't even follow him on social media because we were just starting to date. We didn't want to exploit it to the world yet. I didn't even bother to look him up on google because I thought if I did then it would maybe ruin the way I viewed him at the time. Maybe it would ruin my chance on really getting to know him as Vic Fuentes." 

"That makes sense," I felt bad for her, but I also was kind of mad at my dad now for not telling Danielle about me. I wanted to know why he kept me a secret from her. 

"What do you say we go get something to eat? I'm starving." 

I agreed to it and we made our way out of hot topic and over to the food court. 

~~ Vic's POV ~~ 

Seattle is beautiful but I missed my family. I told myself I wasn't going to call them until I was done but I need them to be sane. 

I listened to the phone ring then there was silence, "I said I got it, Tony!" I heard my daughter's sweet voice through the line and it brought an instant smile to my face, "Hello?" 

I chuckled, "Hey, kiddo." 

"Dad!" I could hear the joy in her voice. 

"Yes, it is me dad" I smiled to myself, "How's my kid been?" 

"I thought you weren't gonna have any contact with the outside world?" She questioned. 

"I wasn't, but I couldn't help myself." 

"Good! I've missed my dad, how's Seattle treating you?" 

"It's been treating me very well, how's Tony and Erin treating you? Doug playing nice?" 

"Doug won't share his toys so he doesn't care, but Tony and Erin have been overprotective. Mostly Erin. But other than that they've been treating me good. Tony says hi and that he misses you and there were some other things he said but I think it would be inappropriate for me to say since I am your kid..." I heard Tony talking from a distance. 

I laughed, "Tell Tony I said hi and to teach Doug to share his toys." 

I listen to her tell Tony what I said, "He said that he has tried." 

"As long as he tried," I sighed, "Hey, I should get going but I will be home soon and I promise we will do something special when I come home, maybe have a movie night or something." 

"Sounds good to me." 

"Alright, I love you, Mija. Talk to you soon, alright?" 

"Alright, and I love you too." I smiled and hung up the phone. Time to go back to writing. 

I'm His Daughter... (Vic Fuentes Daughter Story)Where stories live. Discover now