Now You Only Call Me On Christmas and My Birthday

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Title Credit: Stay Away From My Friends by PTV 

~~ Sophia's POV ~~ 

I woke up to feeling my bed shift slightly, I hadn't opened my eyes yet because I knew if I did then I probably wouldn't go back to sleep. I felt someone begin to brush my hair with their hand, "Happy birthday to you," it was my dad, he was singing the happy birthday song. I groaned when he finished. 

I opened my eyes and saw my dad beside me, "What time is it?" 

He chuckled slightly, "It's midnight," he smiled, "So, it's officially your birthday." I just nod and laid my head back into my pillow, "You're fifteen now, kid," He then got under the covers and wrapped his arms around me. "You need to stop growing up." 

"It's kind of impossible for me to stop growing up, dad." I leaned my head on his chest. 

He sighed, "I know it is," he kissed the top of my head, "Go back to sleep, we have a long day tomorrow." 

I smiled at the thought of Disneyland, I was still a little girl at heart, "Sing to me?" I asked as I yawned. 

He chuckled, "Alright, birthday girl." He began to sing a song, by the time I could make out the words I was already drifting off to sleep. 

The warmth of the sun shining through the window woke me up, I groaned to myself as the sounds of my alarm blared through my ears, "Wake up!!" I heard Jaime's voice yell out. 

I groaned once again and rolled in the warmth of my covers, burying my face into my pillow, "Go away, Jaime," my voice was muffled but it was loud and clear enough or him to hear. 

"Don't you want to go to Disneyland?" He asked as he shook me a bit, "Come on, your dad is making breakfast!" 

I sighed as I rolled over, so I now was facing the ceiling, "Coffee. I need lots of it." 

"And it's just downstairs, if only you'd get your lazy ass up!" Jaime slightly pulled on the covers. 

I glared at him, "Fine!" I got up from my bed and attempted to push Jaime out of my room. He chuckled at my attempt. 

He gave me a hug and kiss on the top of my head, "Happy birthday, kid." I smiled at him, "I'll be downstairs." He said as he left the room. 

I changed into a Star Wars Tee and some black cut-off shorts along with my Nike shoes that I use if I am to be walking a lot. In this case, I am going to be walking all day in Disneyland. 

I walked downstairs to be instantly greeted by the smell of bacon, I smiled as I walked into the kitchen. I heard Jessica squeal with delight, she ran over to me and gave me a hug, "happy birthday!" She said pretty loudly. 

I smiled, "thank you, Jess." She then smiled and handed me my plate that had a couple of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon on the side and not forgetting the scrambled eggs. 

I sat down beside Danielle who was grinning from ear to ear, she gave me a side hug, "Happy birthday!" she then slid a small box, that was perfectly wrapped, towards me on the table. 

"You didn't have too, Danielle!" I said as I grabbed the small box. 

She just smiled, "I wanted to." 

I opened it to see a necklace with a locket in the shape of a heart, I smiled and opened the locket to see a picture of me and my dad hugging and smiling. "I love it, Danielle!" I hugged her for a quick second and then asked her to put the necklace on me which she did. 

"Let me see how it looks," my dad had been cooking that he had been listening in and out of our conversation while Jaime and Jess had their own. I walked over to my dad by the stove and he smiled at the necklace around my neck, he then opened the locket and grinned at the photo, "I love it." 

I then went back to the table, I ate my breakfast and as soon as I finished I heard the doorbell ring, "Must be the lover boy," Jaime whispered to me as he wiggled his eyebrows. I glared at him and Jess took the hint so she slapped his shoulder for me. 

I just chuckled and walked over to the front door, I opened it to find Brandon there with his mother by his side, "Hey!" I said with a smile. 

He had one hand behind his back which wasn't suspicious at all, "Hey, this is my mom Amanda, Mom this is Sophia," Brandon said introducing us. I shook his mom's hand and she wished me a happy birthday. 

"Well, come in, we're just finishing breakfast," As soon as they both walked in my dad walked into the hallway and introduced himself to Brandon's mom, of course, I had to introduce Brandon to him and I could see it in my dad that he was already holding things back. 

"Sorry, I couldn't meet you guys at the door, I'm the chef in this house," my dad said with a chuckle. 

"It's perfectly fine," Amanda smiled. 

"So, you want to exchange some contact information?" Brandon grabbed my arm and walked a few steps away from them. 

"So, I see you went with a Star Wars Tee," I said as I motioned towards his t-shirt. 

He laughed, "Yeah and so did you." He winked.

He then held out a small package that was wrapped very neatly in black wrapping paper, "Oh, Brandon, you didn't have to get me a gift." 

He just smiled, "I wanted to."

He handed it over and I grinned, "I love this wrapping paper, I almost don't want to open it." 

He chuckled, "I'll give you the rest of my wrapping paper, now open it!" He was eager for me to open my gift. 

I chuckled and opened the gift, it was a book, "Wicked Appetite," I then realized what it was, "You got me the first book!" 

He gave me a nod, "I wanted to bless you with an amazing book for your birthday, it's the least I could do." 

I just smiled and shook my head, "You're too sweet, Brandon," I said silently as I gave him a hug. 

"Brandon, give me a goodbye hug and kiss before I leave," Brandon's mom said. 

Brandon groaned and let go of our hug then walking over to his mom. I looked over to notice that Jaime was with my dad who was talking to Amanda, who briefly said something about thanking the girls for her. Brandon gives his mom a hug and she gives him a kiss on the cheek, "Be good, alright? Call me or your father if you need anything." 

Brandon just gave her a small nod and then my dad showed Amanda to the door. I then walked over to Jaime and introduced him to Brandon, I noticed the way Jaime shook Brandon's hand and gave him a small glare but then smiled, "nice to meet you, son," Jaime said. 

Son? Really, Jaime? I shook my head and took Brandon's arm and dragged him into the kitchen to introduce him to the girls. Which they couldn't stop making weird looks and winks at me, this is going to be a long day, isn't it? 

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