First Day of School, Again

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~~ Sophia's POV ~~

"Wake up, princess!" I heard my dad yell from the other side of the door.

I groaned as I looked at my clock that was set on my bedside table, "No!" I yelled back as I turned around to face the wall, I covered myself with my covers.

I heard my door open, "Did I hear a no?"

"So glad you are not deaf," I say sarcastically.

"Get up, young lady!" He says sternly as he shakes me.

"So many nicknames. Stick to one, father!" I didn't budge.

"Father? Alright, I'm getting Jaime," I quickly sat up in my bed.

"You wouldn't!"

"You don't know, maybe I would," He smirks.

I groan, "Fine, get out so I can change."

He smiles and leaves my room closing the door behind him. I get dressed into some simple clothes, I may have stolen my dad's Blink-182 tank, well, it was a t-shirt that he ripped the sleeves off of, but I put that on while I wore a sports bra under. I put on some black skinny jeans and vans. I didn't really care what kind of impression I was making with this outfit, it's Monday and I just want the day to be over with already.

"Knock knock," I heard someone say, I turned around and saw Danielle at my door, "Can I come in?" I nod, "Love the outfit, by the way," she says as she began to fix my bed.

"You don't have to do that," I say as I watched her.

"It's fine, really, I like doing this," She smiles, "So, you excited? Nervous?"

"Both," she nods, "Do I look okay? Be honest."

She smiles, "You look great just make sure you're not breaking school dress code unless you want to be a rebel then break it all you want," I chuckled.

I grabbed a flannel shirt, "I'll take it just in case."

She nods, "Can I suggest something?"


"You look gorgeous and I really wouldn't recommend it but, maybe, a little makeup to cover the dark circles," she says as she points to her face where I had my dark circles.

"I've been meaning to do something about that I just don't know how to even use make-up," I hated seeing those dark reminders that I had a little sleep, that my mind likes to wander instead of rest, that I am not normal. That I have problems. Just to cover them for a 12-hour range would be nice. Just so I won't have to be reminded every time I look in a mirror that they are there, laughing at me.

"I can teach you," She says as she sits on the now made bed. She was pretty good at making the bed look like it's never been slept on.

"Really?" She nods, "Today after school?"

"I know your dad will be picking you up but I'll be here and once you arrive if you don't have any homework, I'll take you on a make-up run."

I smile and hug her, "Thanks, Danielle."

She hugs me back and then let's go, "Come on, let's eat some breakfast."

I followed her downstairs, "There are my girls!" Dad says as he places a pancake on a plate, "Hey, is that my shirt?" He says eyeing the shirt I had on.

"I do not know," I said with a smirk.

"I knew I was missing a shirt from my closet."

"I'm surprised you even noticed considering the fact that your closet looks like a junkyard."

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