I Wish You Could See Your Face Right Now

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Title Credit: A Daydream Away by All Time Low

~~ Sophia's POV ~~ 

It is now exactly five days until my birthday which means it is Monday, April 10th and my birthday is on Saturday the 15th. Last week was my first week of school and it turned out really well. I'm almost to the friend level with Brandon and Mel is an amazing friend. They invited me to go to Jenny's cafe with them, which they do every day around 6 and leave at 8. They said they've been going there almost every day for since Brandon started high school. Which is cool because now I am kind of part of the group.

Dad didn't mind, he still wanted to meet both of them, mostly Brandon. But today, I plan on asking them if they wanted to go to Disneyland on Saturday. 

I walked into the cafeteria, Brandon was called out in the middle of class, he was as confused as me so I was hoping he was still in school. I grabbed a sandwich, a bag of chips, a yogurt, and a chocolate milk and made my way out to the weeping willow tree. 

I saw Mel already sitting down, swaying from side to side as she listened to the music through her bose wireless headphones. I sat down in front of her and she smiled, "hey," she said as she took her headphones off. I could hear the music and I instantly smiled at the sound of Nirvana playing. "Where's Brandon?" she asks as she takes my yogurt. 

I hand her the spoon I managed to not forget this time, "I don't know, he was called out during English," I said as I unwrapped the saran wrap from my sandwich. 

"Well, we'll just have to party without him," Mel says with a grin, "Anyway, Jenny's after school?" I nod, "Question." 

"Answer," I took a bite of my sandwich. 

"Are you wearing makeup?" 

I blushed, "Yeah, I didn't think anyone would notice." 

"I noticed," she smiles, "it looks good, maybe Brandon will like it," She wiggles her eyebrows. She has this thing that I and Brandon are meant to be because our conversations never end. She only mentioned it once and this will be the second time. 

"Oh, puh-lease!" I said as I shook my head, "I'm only wearing makeup to cover up the dark circles." 

"No wonder, you look more like you've gotten a good nights rest." I nod, "Hey, there's Brandon!" 

I heard someone running towards us, "You won't believe the hell I've just been through." 

"What the hell?" Mel says as she laughs at her own weird joke. 

Brandon glares at her then looks at me, "I was at the counselor's office for the last three periods because my mom wanted a one on one with the counselor about my future." 

"Your future?" 

He nods, "Yes, we planned out next year's class schedule along with clubs I will join and sports I will need to join as well, then we planned what colleges I will apply for, if I should go for Julliard what Julliard would look for in a High School applicant and are you wearing makeup?" 

"Julliard?" I asked, "That's like one of the hardest schools to get into, it's up there with Yale." 

"It looks nice, I think you look better without it, though," he says as he looks at my face at a closer range.

"Brandon! Julliard!" I said snapping my fingers in front of his face.

He backs up and nods, "Julliard has been my dream."

"Since he was an itty bitty boy," Mel adds.

"Well, do you play any instruments?" I asked 

"Piano," Brandon says with a smile, "You're still at the acquaintance level, Fuentes, don't feel bad for not knowing." 

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