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"A-Aaliyah?" Saiya asked trying to keep up with me.

"What is it?"

"Two things. One, Kaiya is looking for you. Two, um... is... is Ja'far here?" She replied a small hint of blush on her face.

"Yes, I think Ja'far is training with someone at the moment. And as for Kaiya I've been avoiding her for a while now. I can last a little longer."

"Really?" Kaiya asked popping down from the ceiling.

"Shit." I mumbled, "You're just always around aren't you, Kaiya."


"Well, I guess now is as good a time as any... Happy Birthday to the both of you." I congratulated them handing Saiya an envelope.

"Wha... gimme it Sai!" Kaiya said trying to pull down Saiya's shoulder to read the letter.

"You can't be serious..." Saiya asked handing the present to Kaiya.

"Really?" Kaiya questioned a massive smile radiating from her face.

Mind you a rather disturbing smile, but still a Kaiya smile.

"Yeah, I already told Ja'far. For your fifth birthday, you'll go on your first mission and officially become part of my group."

"And you're going with us?" Kaiya asked walking towards me.

"As is Ja'far?" Saiya asked joining in Kaiya's actions.

"You seem rather concerned about my little brother, Saiya. But yes, I'm going with you all. After the princess entrusted this position to me... and well... I haven't been in the field a whole lot." I explained remembering the best times in this organization.

"So it'll just be us four?" Ja'far asked walking up to us making Saiya blush profusely.

"No... I found out about a girl yesterday with pretty well devolved skills. Her name is... uh.... P–something. I can't recall what it is though."

"Pandora." A voice said as I turned calmly.

"Ah yeah. Thank you Pandora." I said "We'll be leaving at midnight. So be prepared. We'll leave if you aren't."

"P. P is fine." She corrected.

"Alright. See you at midnight, P. Oh... and Kaiya, Saiya one more thing. I made something for you but it's still at home, so I'll bring it to you later."


When midnight rolled around, Kaiya, Saiya, P, and Ja'far had all shown up. And when the twins came in I gave them their real present.

"Aaliyah... are you serious?" Kaiya asked eyes wide.

"The Complete Guide To Ail, Aaliyah is this legit?" Saiya asked snatching the book from her sister.

"Yup the only one in existence. And it's all yours. You two will be the first to learn Ail. Then once you're done pass it onto P, who'll pass it onto the next person I let into my guard. I plan to allow ten people into my elite guard and name it The Ten Commandments. Kaiya, Saiya, and P, you three are the first. Welcome."

"I love you Aaliyah." Kaiya said walking up to hug me.

"Okay kiddo you're only 5. Calm down, this could ruin your life."

"What do you mean...? We get to spend the rest of our lives serving you. That's all we want." Kaiya smiled.

"Jesus Christ kid," I mumbled, imagining these two as adults gives me a headache.

"Aaliyah, you told me we would leave at 12:00. It is now 12:02, we need to leave now." P said nervously fidgeting with a pocket watch I hadn't noticed earlier.

"Yeah just one more thing... I will not interfere no matter what. This is your kill not mine. Now let's head out." I announced throwing my brother a little off guard.

After all Ja'far was the least experienced one here. Kaiya and Saiya had been following me around like lost dogs since they were born so they have seen their fare share of blood shed. And P has been a member of this organization for the last 3 years.

"Remember to protect yourself and those around you."


The mission was to kill a nobleman who had recently been playing his hand in underworld affairs. Initially I had planned to take care of him on my own however the twins' birthday was coming up and I had no clue what to get them so I got Kaiya a potential rival and Saiya time with Ja'far.

Their plan was to let Pandora and Kaiya take care of the guards. There were about 75 of them. And Ja'far and Saiya were to take care of the fat pig pushing his luck.

I wasn't worried at all about Kaiya and Pandora. The only problem they'd have is their large egos crashing. I am worried about Jafar and Saiya however. I am worried that their gentle personalities will not allow them to kill the man.

But when I got up there I was mistaken. They both knew exactly what to do. Saiya started to use a technique where she took over the victim's body and Ja'far used his new weapon two daggers on red string to kill him by slitting his throat. No harm came to Saiya from being in his body, however when she arrived back in her own body Ja'far was carrying her on his back. And she about fainted.

Over the next two years Aaliyah recruited seven more elite assassins each of them safely under control. Except for Kaiya. She was the black sheep. Also being Aaliyah's only friend. Though she would never admit it.


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