Chapter 2

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Later that day

*yawn* wow I'm so tired it's been 6hours so far that we've been flying for so only 2 more hours left, but it's so boring I've already had a 4hour sleep and Liv i
s still asleep so are half the passengers on board. Ugh! what to do what to do .... ohhh! I've got it I can start my Vlog ! Thank god I remembered to pack my hang bag Vlogging camera. I unbuckle my seat belt since the seatbelt sign is off it doesn't matter, and reach up to the over head lockers and get my handbag out then I closed the over head locker again and sit back down with my handbag. While I was rummaging though my bag I felt the presents of somebody standing next to my seat, I looked up to see two girls around 12-13 with notebooks in there hands and there phones "Hi" the blonde one with cute freckles said waving shyly while her friend stood there smiling "umm hi can I help u?" I asked politely try not to sound rude as I got my camera out of my bag and placed my bag on the ground turning in my seat to face the girls "Yes.. um are you Skylar Price from YouTube?" the One with her ginger hair in a plait "Haha yes, yes I am" I replied smiling "can we have your autograph and a picture?" the blonde one asked giggling "haha yes of course are you going to Vidcon this year then ?" I asked taking there note books and signing my autograph on each one before handing them back "yes we are and we're huge fans of Olivia as well." the ginger one said happily "oh well I'll wake her up in a minute for you. Smile!" I said taking a selfie with both of them. I then proceeded to elbowed Liv in the side "oww what the hell was that for Skye?!" Liv exclaimed sitting up and rubbing her eyes "sign this please, these two girls are fans of our YouTube" I said thrusting the notebooks at her , she signed them both and said hi to the girls before they had to go back to there seats and we all had to buckle up for landing. Wow time had flowen by I put my camera back in my bag and prepared for landing.

Just Call Us Crazy ❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin