Chapter 7

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Later that same night

After a few minutes of talking to Liv and Finn, I decided to go and talk to some other YouTubers, as I looked around at everybody I spotted Zoe Sugg and Louise (Zoella and Sprinkleofglitter) so I decided to walk over to them and get to know them since I was a big fan of Zoella and I loved Louise anyway as I approached them Zoe spotted me and ran over to me with Louise "OMG! You must be Skylar!" Zoe gushed as she came over "I've heard so much about you! And I'm also a huge fan of yours and Olivia's YouTube channel!" Zoe continued "Omg! Jack and Finn never shut up about you and your friend Olivia but they mainly just talk about you!" Louise piped in, I could feel myself blushing at what Louise had just said about how Jack and Finn always talk abut me and Liv, I tried to move the conversation topic away from me and Finn and Jack by replying to Zoe first "Really?!" I exclaimed "you love my YouTube channel ? that's insane ! Zoe I'm a mega huge fan of you I'm
like the biggest sugglet there is! And omg Louise I love your channel too I'm also a mega sprinklarino!" I rambled , Zoe laughed at how surprised I was and at how much I was rambling on, Louise laughed to and placed her hand on my shoulder "Skylar! breathe. Just calm down girl! you're rambling on way to much it's alright you can chill out around us" Louise laughed again I blushed a little in embarrassment and nervously giggled "aha yeah sorry about that it always happens Jack always used to try stop me but he gave up a while back he just laughs with Finn now" I replied sheepishly, Louise looked behind me and smiled before Zoe did the same thing , confused I was about to turn around to see what they were both smiling about before I heard a deep masculine voice from behind me "I heard my name?" instantly i knew that it was Jack and I smiled too before turning around and hugging Jack before turning back around to face Zoe and Louise "yeah Skylar here was just telling us how you used to try to stop her rambling but how now you've just given up"Zoe filled Jack in on how his name came up in our convo "ohh aha yeah I remember that!" Jack laughed "Skye you still do that? you still ramble?" Jack asked me with a hint of amusement and sarcasm in his voice "yep she does she was rambling on no more that 5mins ago!" Louise answered for me , I smiled shyly at Jack then we all started laughing at my rambling, about 2 hours later and after a lot of laughing and chatting with Zoe Jack and Louise I was just about ready for bed, taking out my phone to check the time which was 11:45pm I relised that Liv had sent me a text about half and hour ago
~From Liv😛~
' Hey Skye,
Sorry I'm really tired and I can't see you anywhere so I'm just texting you to tell you not to wait up for me because I'm going back to the room to go to bed because I'm shattered okay? Night x ~Livipop '
well at least I won't have to go find her I thought while putting away my phone "hey guys I'm really tired so I'm going to go back to my room now and go to sleep night!" I told Zoe, Louise and Jack "Aww okay then night see you tomorrow" Zoe replied in her usual kind tone "Night night sweet dream Skylar!" Louise replied In her usual cheerful tone and they both hugged me before i turned to Jack to hug him "night Jack love you see you in the morning" she whispered to him "night night little Blue love you too" Jack replied using an old nickname Jack had made a while back for her 'little blue'. I soon parted from everybody and went upstairs to my room , quietly creeping into mine and Liv's room trying not to wake Liv up who was fast asleep In her bed so I quickly put on my bright yellow pj shorts and my loose black pj vest top, brushed out my hair , took off my jewellery and washed my face and teeth before climbing into bed, I plugged in my phone and pushed it under my pillow before finally settling down and going to sleep, today had been a good day, this summer is going to be fun.

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