Chapter 8

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Saturday late morning

*Yawn* As I woke up I noticed that Liv wasn't in her bed and and it was daylight outside, Shit! I thought what time is it?! I quickly reached under my pillow to grab my phone and looked at the time, noticing that it 11:00am which was late for me but not too bad I also happened to noticed that I had 3 unread text messages so I deicied that I'd open them up to see who was texting me the first one was from Liv and was sent around an hour ago
~From Liv😛~
Hey Skye,
I didn't want to wake you but just to let you know I've gone out for the day with Grace from DailyGrace , I met her last night and she's invited me to stay over so I won't be there this weekend sorry :( ttyl xx~Livipop'
oh great thanks for ditching me there Liv! I thought sarcastically then laughed a little at how stupid I sounded. the next text was from Zoe Sugg (Zoella) and it was sent about 20mims ago
~ Zozeboo 🎀~
'Hey Skylar it's Zoe, you gave me your number last night just texting you so you have my number ttyl :) xx'
aww that's nice I thought and then went and saved her number then I went and checked the last text I had which was sent 5mjns ago and was from Finn.
~From Finn~
Hey Skye! :)
I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to mine and Jack's room to hang out ? Xx~Your favourite twin😉 '
aww I thought that cute so I quickly sent Finn a text back
~To Finn~
'Hey Finn,
yeah sure I'd love to come over I've just woken up so give around 20mins tops? see you in a few xxxx ~ Skye'
and with that I jumped out of bed and hopped into the shower and was washed and done in 5mins, so I jumped out and dried off putting on my underwear the walking into the bathroom and quickly putting my hair up I to a quick wet messy braid to my left side and putting on my normal makeup which consisted of black eyeliner on the tops and bottoms of my eyes and some mascara before putting my circle white diamond (not real of course) earrings and then putting in a smaller Black version into my second piercing in my ear which was just above my normals one, I padded though into the bedroom area to get dressed in to my light blue acid wash ripped shorts which I paired with a simple black t-shirt and a red white and black check shirt unbuttoned over the top and some black vans and a black beanie , I then quickly sprayed some Perfume on before stuffing my phone into my pocket grabbing the room key and skipping out the door and down the hall to Jack and Finns.

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