Chapter 18

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A/N: I had a little writers block for the past couple days, so that's why this and the next chapter really suck ass. But bear with me, I just now finished the plot and it looks really good. 

Days have passed by and she still hasn't awaken yet. I have sang to her everyday. I have basically become a College dropout, but it's all for the girl I love. She is the only one that gets me and she's in a coma. How ironic isn't it? That the fact that she hasn't been getting sleep, she falls one simple wrong way and she's in an internal sleep. I was going to marry this girl if I have ever gotten the chance. And now I may never get it.

I walk into the hospital room, they took her off of the ventilator since I have last been in here. The bruise on her forehead and the bleeding from her ear has stopped. I sing to her every now and then, but I am always afraid. I'm afraid that she will fall deeper into the coma by my singing, since she always falls asleep to the sound of my voice. My father had agreed together the best care in the world. The nurse said that comas can not be rushed. It's just a only a matter of time. It could take weeks, months...even years...

Today I had brought my guitar with me. I haven't been practicing with the guys lately. She would be so proud of us. We had put up a YouTube channel and now we have a couple hundred subs. If we were good we might make it, but it's not worth it without her. Nothing is worth it without her. She is the one thing that I want to wake up to in the mornings and be the last thing I see when I go to bed at night. I sighed to myself and looked at her beautiful face once more, setting down my guitar in its case. I took her hand, it was cold, I raised her hand up to my mouth and blew hot air onto it. Trying my hardest to warm her hand. "So, the guys and I have a YouTube channel now, we are getting up there in the world like you always said we would babe. Now I just need you to wake up for me so we can experience it together, so I'm not so lonely in our bed. Is it weird that I sleep with your clothes on the bed?" I coughed, trying my hardest not to cry. I've been crying for the past week, I would really like to not cry here.

"I mean, I put your perfume on my jacket or the pillow to make it smell like you, but it never really works. I have to take sleeping pills now, just to keep me sleeping. It gets hard without you, I'm just so used to rolling over and cuddling you. I really wish they would let me sleep in the bed with you. That way whenever you wake up I'll be the first thing you see, and I'll be able to see the love of my life." I say into her hand, knowing damn well she isn't hearing a word I'm saying. I sighed and put her hand down. I softly moved her to the other side and climbed into the bed next to her.

She does not smell like herself, but that doesn't matter. I laid her hand in mine and I quickly shut my eyes. I knew that this was quite unsafe and could hurt us both, but I really didn't care anymore. I needed her, I needed her so badly. I fell asleep. I don't know how long I fell asleep, but I did. There was a nurse who came in and tapped me on the shoulder. I steered away and looked at her, she gave me a small sympathetic smile and I smiled back.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked the nurse, she shrugged and went over to Dalia to change her IV. "Roughly since visiting hours started. It's almost 9:45 Pm." She says and I swore under my breath. I tried getting out of bed, but she pushed me back down. "It's fine, nobody but me is coming in here. I know what it's like, having somebody you love in a deep pit of loss. Besides, She needs a familiar face when she wakes up." The nurse rubs my shoulder and I smiled at her. I thanked her and she left. I sent myself back into my slumber.

Time skips.

"Michael?" Alex whispered into my ear and I stirred awake. "What are you doing here? Where are the guys?" I asked and Alex giggled. "The boys are in the waiting room, it's 12 pm Michael, wait? Have you been here all night?" She questioned me again and I nodded.

tsk tsk.

I shrugged and laid my head back on Dalia's shoulder. She was going to wake up soon, I could feel it. I knew it. The boys came in and they waved at me. "How is she doing?" They asked in unison and I shook my head. "It's been two weeks guys, when is she going to wake up?" I say as my voice cracks, I got up out of the bed and I went over to them, they took me into a group hug. I immediately went into tears, even though I claim to be pop punk, I will always cry for this girl. They eventually got me outside and into a shower. I also went back to the hospital. Where ninety percent of my time.

Two weeks passed by, a month total and not much has changed. She was still asleep, but I have gone back to my studies. My father made up an excuse to get me back into my classes. My dad and my boys thought it would be great if I got my mind off of her for a little while. It does work until I have to go back to the house that I have with her and everybody else. I don't sleep in my own room anymore. I sleep on the couches. I can't stand that room, everything reminds me of her. I wish she was here, you know? Maybe I wouldn't be so depressed all the damn time. Although things are shitty for me, the band is doing pretty good, we have a thousand subscribers on YouTube already. None of it matters to me anymore, everything around me is all for her. She saw something in me that I couldn't see and I will love her forever for that. I drink too much now, but that is just what Ashton says. Sure I may drink half a case for myself, but it numbs my brain for a while you know? It just hurts to breathe without her nowadays. Sometimes at night, I can hear her voice. "Come rescue me and don't you ever leave," She says. I know it is all in my head.

This is Michael Clifford, signing off, and signing into to therapy. 

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