Chapter 1

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His eyes glittered, lips slightly parted as he stared at the man in front of him, how smooth those movements were portrayed. How elegant his footwork appeared as he thrusted and sliced his sword through the air. The passion that the man held with himself and fierce anger had always intrigued Benvolio, but he knew that he couldn’t dare draw close to the lion that Tybalt Capulet was. Benvolio looked away, softly biting his lip as he forced himself to look away from the fencing lesson. Tybalt was terrible, angry, evil but alas he was so captivating and caused rapture to rise in Benvolio’s chest. It was ironic really, most people saw the sandy grey blond as a gentle, soft pacifist. But he knew that his feelings would be unrequited if he did acknowledge them, nobody wanted such a love-struck, simple fool; especially the king of cats, a strong masculine force that tore passion through Verona with a swipe of his claws. “Benvolio are you even listening to me!?” Mercutio hissed hotly. “Why do you stare off like a mindless Maiden thinking of her spouse? Now, like I was saying…” Benvolio kept his mouth shut, it's better to avoid replying to Mercutio’s remarks. Benvolio just listened as Mercutio droned on and on about how wonderful Romeo is and Romeo needs to get laid and Romeo, Romeo, Romeo. Benvolio let out a soft laugh as he silently thought that Mercutio is the real lovestruck maiden here. “Mercutio, if you worry so much about the state of Romeo’s bed life perhaps you should jump in and take care of the issue yourself.” Benvolio felt the corner of his lips twitch up in a gentle grin. Mercutio spluttered, red in the face. “Benvolio go fuck your mystery love.” He huffed, turning away. The peacemaker cleared his throat, he wasn't in love with Tybalt! It was only a harmless crush, perhaps even less than that; just a random infatuation with the man's aesthetics. Deep down though, Benvolio knew that it wasn't just Tybalt’s handsome features that made him feel the way he does now. “Not that I would mind having relations with your cousin though…” He purred out, words smooth as silk. Ah yes, it had been a shock to the three boys when it was confirmed that Mercutio’s family was not Montague, but only a close family friend. “I can't fathom as to why you jump around the bush instead of directly addressing your feelings to him, he would love to blossom a relationship with you Mercutio.” Benvolio stated, he wanted his friend to place his mind at ease with those troubling emotions he knew all too well. “I wouldn't assure myself so Beni….he is obviously interested in women...take a gander at Juliet, or Rosaline.” It was almost funny that the two girls Romeo had been pining were in a relationship together. “Then it strikes me as odd that he would stare upon your arse with such attentiveness.” Benvolio smirked. Mercutio lit up “Ah? Is that so? I mean, I know I have a wonderful ass but it's sooooo delightful for it to be acknowledged.” Mercutio grinned. Benvolio rolled his eyes “So are you going to try and court Romeo? Or at the very least confess to him?” “Possibly.” Mercutio responded nonchalantly. “Romeo shall be deeply infatuated with me! Mark my words Ben!” Mercutio laughed, already headed back to the Montague mansion to begin flirting with Romeo. Now that Benvolio was alone….quickly he turned around, eyes scanning for the sight of the black-haired swordsman that had captured his heart. Much to his dismay the training had long ended. A sigh escaped his lips, he began walking towards an inn to eat some food and to stay away from Mercutio’s cheesy flirts and terrible jokes. He sat down and ordered some food along with a glass of water. Mindlessly his thoughts strayed away, he could dream couldn't he? He was snapped out of his thoughts when a hand landed on his table. “Montague? What brings you to my tavern.” That voice, it was Tybalt. Benvolio lifted his head and faced Tybalt, forcing himself to be calm. “Hello Tybalt, I mean no harm I swear. I have only come for a drink.” “Perhaps I should join you, we wouldn't want ‘any trouble’.” He sat down, analyzing Benvolio. “I am quite surprised to see you Benvolio, kittens don't normally stray from the safety of their home.” Benvolio blushed lightly at the comparison but quickly shook it off. “Tybalt I would appreciate it if you didn't compare me to a...kitten.” Benvolio calmly replied. Tybalt took a sip of his beer, a smirk on his features. “You intrigue me Benvolio, what's a levelheaded, sensible gentleman such as yourself doing with two hot headed idiots such as Mercutio and Romeo?” Tybalt asked, swiping his tongue across his upper lip to clean some foam from the beer he shouldn't be drinking. Benvolio glared “Watch your mouth Tybalt.” “So, the kitten does have claws?” He replies, mischief glinting in his eyes. “I suppose so.” Benvolio huffed, sipping his water. “I noticed you near my fencing practice, tell me...did you find yourself entertained by my fighting?” Benvolio flushed red, how had he noticed? He averted his eyes, unable to meet the gleaming yellow ones in front of him. Tybalt laughed, yes the big bad cat had actually laughed. Benvolio snapped up, unable to believe his ears. “You blush like a virgin! What, why do you stare at me with those awestruck eyes? I have a sense of humor too….” Tybalt replied smoothly,  relaxing his posture, Benvolio did the same. “I never would have guessed, so angry all the time.” Benvolio said, a light smile on his face. “And you are far too serious, a smile adorns your face nicely Montague.” Tybalt said, taking another chug of the beer. Ben was almost certain that the other was drunk, no way the fighter of the Capulets had complimented a Montague, let alone the most plain and lame one. Soon they served Benvolio’s sandwich. “Ah, Tybalt would you like a piece?” It was rude not to offer, plus he didn't mind. “Why yes, I would find myself wishing for a bite.” Benvolio broke the sandwich apart, he bit down on his own half when Tybalt reached over the table and took a bite out of Benvolio’s piece, noses brushing past each other. Tybalt rose up after that, some...emotion flickering in his eyes, he was flustered but spoke clearly. “Ah, I find myself enjoying this. We shall do this again Benvolio.” Tybalt then promptly left, leaving poor Benvolio even more confused than before. A few days had passed since that encounter, Benvolio roamed the streets alone...too confused with his own thoughts to fix Romeo's or Mercutio's romance problems. Calmly he let his eyes close, letting himself fall into a pattern of letting the road guide him and the wind soothe him. Suddenly a wall hit his back and something pressed against his collarbone and neck. He opened his eyes in surprise, only to be met with narrowed yellow ones that were smoldering with anger. “What happened in the tavern shall remain a secret Montague. I was not in the right state of mind and you shall never speak of it again! Tybalt pressed harder, the dull part of sword pinning Ben against the wall, breathing became a hassle. “T-Tybalt let me go. Ple-Please?” Benvolio asked, biting back panic. Tybalt did not falter. “Promise!” Tybalt hissed angrily, the skin that was being pressed on began to ache. “Alright! I promise!” Benvolio squirmed. Tybalt let go, Benvolio slid down and fought to catch his breath. The stern eyes softened, catching Benvolio off guard. “W-What?” Benvolio spat. Calloused fingers brushed against his smarting skin. “M-My intent...was not to harm you.” He confessed, Benvolio looked up..searching for sincerity. Tybalt seemed to realize his gentleness and snapped out of it with a growl before storming off. Benvolio ran his fingertips across the tender skin, so did Tybalt harbour feelings for him or was it just the beer he was drinking? Benvolio’s mind spun, confusion and just a little bit of hurt swirling in his brain. But, Tybalt seemed to feel remorse after bruising the sharpness had clouded with worry, his gentle fingers tracing the bruise. With a sigh he picked himself up and left back to the mansion, it's best if he just stayed in his room. Moping away he passed by the gates and passed by the maids and butlers before flopping down on his bed. He touched the bruises, unable to stop thinking about what happened. “I hate this…” Benvolio whined to himself. He felt like the saddest of garbage. Why was Tybalt leading on that he was interested, but then said that he was in the wrong state of mind? The way he yelled at him and how quickly Tybalt left after confirming that Benvolio only held a bruise. He longed for Tybalt to talk with him like they did in the tavern, he didn't like it when he was pinned against a wall and being yelled at. It frustrated Benvolio as to why he cared, why it bothered him so much. Days had passed, Mercutio and Romeo tried to cheer him up but alas Benvolio really didn't feel it, Tybalt burning brightly in his mind. Muffled yells and the sound of swords being drawn was the only thing that snapped Benvolio into action. He sprinted towards the yelling, oh how he enjoyed the peace that had lasted over the past few days. He stopped, Tybalt and Mercutio...swinging fists and tossing threats into the air. “Enough! Mercutio stop it, there are civil ways to deal with disagreements. Tybalt, what are you doing here?” They both stopped, Tybalt staring at Benvolio...but Mercutio sprung into action. “Tybalt is on our property Benvolio! Trespassing!! This Capule-” Benvolio quickly grabbed him and pulled him away from Tybalt, placing himself in the middle. “Mercutio, I don't want a drop of bloodshed and I would highly appreciate it if you didn't engage the feud by insulting Tybalt.” Mercutio was infuriated “I can't believe you Benvolio, you lock yourself up for days then come out to defend the enemy???” “He is not an enemy Mercutio, if the heads of the family can bury the hatchet so can you.” Romeo poked Benvolio harshly “Do not speak to him in such a condescending tone Benvolio!” “Romeo you are just as guilty of being too aggressive. Look I'll handle the situation, it's best if we didn't fight over trivial things okay? Now go cool off.” Grudgingly the two left, hands still on the handles of their swords. Benvolio turned to Tybalt, who was still staring at him. “That conflict was solved…..quickly.” “There are better ways to resolve a conflict rather than violence, now why are you here Tybalt?” Benvolio dusted Tybalt off, sternly looking at Tybalt waiting for an answer. “I had not seen you around town, for what might I inquire?” Tybalt questioned. Benvolio turned and crossed his arms “It isn't necessary to your knowledge.” “Your cousins nearly skinned me alive for this question, entertain me a little Benvolio….” Ben huffed “I needed to clear my head if you must know.” “Is it clear now?” “Pardon?” Benvolio echoed, unsure if he heard correctly. “Is your mind clear now?” Tybalt repeated, his posture had relaxed and almost seemed inviting. “I-I suppose so?” Benvolio stuttered, a bit nervous as to why Tybalt was asking. “Why do you ask?” “Perhaps, I enjoyed our time at the tavern...I was wondering if you’d like to join me for lunch.” Tybalt replied smoothly but firmly. Benvolio felt a little giddy, a grin beginning to shine through. “I’d love too.” Benvolio and Tybalt made their way to the tavern, chatting with one another. "So, kitten tell you sword fight?"
"A-ah swordfight? I understand the fundamentals I am not a very good fighter." Benvolio gave a sheepish smile to Tybalt, knowing all too well how proud Tybalt was of his fighting skills. " skills are you gifted in?" "Me? I'm more....artistic if you will, Writing and ah...sketching mainly." "I did not know you were an artist Benvolio. It is said that the fine arts leads to sharp minds." He uttered alluringly, those damned eyes glittering at him. Benvolio flushed "But ah....swordfighting is so refined.....I did see your were quite graceful." "Was I? Thank you Benvolio, I appreciate the compliment.” Benvolio was about to respond when a brute spilled beer all over Ben’s lap. Ben sighed about to grab a napkin when Tybalt sprung into action, grabbing the robust man by the collar and raising his fist. “You drunken bastard.” Hissed Tybalt, anger furiously burning in the sea of yellow that was his eyes. Benvolio softly grabbed Tybalt and tugged him away from the man. “Tybalt please, it's quite alright honestly. It's just a liquid, hush now.” Benvolio spoke softly, trying to calm the raven haired man down. Tybalt was huffing, still glaring at the man. Ben sighed and carefully cupped Tybalt's cheek. “Ignore him Tybalt, I'm flattered that you would defend me but honest it's not worth it.” Tybalt gazed at Benvolio, his harsh huffing calming down and the sharpness of his eyes had softened. “Alright...fine.” He said begrudgingly and sat back down. Benvolio returned to his seat, silently celebrating that Tybalt had come to his defense. Their lunch slowly became dinner as they continued to chat the afternoon away. They had been chased away by the inn owner, the two of them laughing as they escaped the whipping of a broom. Tybalt tripped, falling on Benvolio’s back, the both rolling down a hill and accidently landing into an embrace. The luminescent light softly glistening upon the two. Both softly laughing at their previous antics. “I can’t fathom how we just got expelled from a tavern, oh! The look on the inn keeper’s wife when she saw us still dining!” Benvolio laughed. Tybalt couldn’t help but agree. “Or perhaps when we flipped the table to distract them as we ran?” grinned Tybalt. Soon their laughter faded into soft chuckles, then to a silence. Benvolio turned on his back to face Tybalt properly, a smile bright on his face. Tybalt let a small, affectionate simper arise on his features in return to Ben’s. They pulled closer, eyes lidding softly, Tybalt's hand cupping Benvolio’s cheek. “BENVOLIO WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK!?” “..fuck” Uttered Benvolio, “Ditto.” Replied Tybalt. “You go missing all day and where do I find you? UNDER TYBALT, LITERALLY UNDERNEATH HIM. What the fuck Ben?” Tybalt looked at Benvolio then back at Mercutio. “Technically….it wasn't all day...only all afternoon and the beginnings of night.” “Shut the fuck up Capulet? And get the hell off of him??” “Mercutio it's alright I'm fine!” Benvolio snapped at Mercutio, a little upset that his near kiss was interrupted. “Wait till I tELL ROMEO ABOUT THIS BEN!” Mercutio huffed, pulling Benvolio up and dragging him away. Benvolio looked up at Tybalt, waving him goodbye. Tybalt smiled at Benvolio, waving back. “Tomorrow at the fountain?” Benvolio grinned, excitement rushing through him “Definitely!” “NOT!” Mercutio inputted, desperate to drag Benvolio faster.

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