Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Benvolio felt numb, darkness surrounding him. Was he asleep? It was if he didn't have a body, if he was only stray thoughts scattered through a dark, soothing endless void. A muffled noise came from his left, then a slight warmth was applied a hand? Had Benvolio just forgotten what a hand felt like? What a body felt like? A small crack in the darkness appeared, allowing white light to slowly enter his vision. He felt his muscles twitching slowly and small creaks in his body made him feel like his flesh had been converted to stone. “Benvolio?” The voice from before, now clear and crisp to the confused artist. A sound that could only be described as: Tybalt. A rush of realization and memorization strook Benvolio. Struggling to turn his heavy head, wanting to find the source of the voice, Tybalt. A hand stopped his struggles, softly caressing the skin. “Ben-Benvolio…” The voice slightly cracked, before the swordsman came into view. A watery smile on the Capulet’s features. Benvolio was frozen for a second, overwhelmingly happy that he was seeing Tybalt’s face again, it was almost surreal. Tybalt kissed Benvolio, tender and shaky with overwhelming relief and joy. “I love you too Benvolio.” Their lips connected again, almost desperate to feel each other to make sure the other won't fade away. The Capulet ran his tongue down Benvolio's lower lip before softly sucking on it,eliciting a hushed gasp from Benvolio, the perfect gateway to a sweet french-kiss. Benvolio felt the Capulet's hand grab onto the fluffy hair towards the back of his head, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Benvolio brought his own hands to delicately grab the front of Tybalt's jacket and weakly pull him closer as well. Their kissing was slow at first, sugary sweet and almost delicate. But as time passed on, so did the softness. Their kiss became heated, intense and passionate. Small nibbles were exchanged as hands grew restless, running through hair eagerly as their embrace continued. Tybalt pulled back, the watery smile fading. "Benvolio what the fuck were you thinking?" The montague was taken back by the anger in Tybalt's voice, he shifted uncomfortably unsure why Tybalt was angry. "W-What?" Benvolio asked, the anger almost as shocking as the slap he received from Lord Montague. Tybalt tightened his grip, almost painful. "Why would you do that? What if you died Benvolio!?" Hissed Tybalt, fury swirling off of him. Benvolio soon felt angry as well. "I didn't run off and start a fight Tybalt! What if I didn't push you? What if you died? I wanted to save you Tybalt!" Benvolio recoiled, hurt that Tybalt had the audacity to pull this shit. "I started the fight to help you Benvolio! To protect you! I-" The bedridden Montague felt guilt, he didn't mean to villainize the other's actions, he just wanted to defend his own. Softly Benvolio placed a hand over Tybalt's heart, fingertips feeling the beat before speaking. "I'm grateful Tybalt, I really am. Your heart is in the right place." Benvolio stated, wanting to calm Tybalt down. The other looked away and sighed, letting go of Benvolio to ruffle his own hair. Benvolio felt the dull sting of his side, aching terribly. He slipped his fingers under his shirt to graze his fingertips over the bandage that covered his wound. “Was I out long?” Ben asked cautiously, not wanting to agitate Tybalt any more. Tybalt looked up, his eyes softening slightly. “Only half a day.” He said, his voice a little rough. “Ah….” Benvolio said, unsure what else to say. Tybalt looked tired, perhaps this was why he was crabby? All night and half of the day watching over Benvolio nervously without much rest may do that to people, especially those like Tybalt who was easily irritated. Benvolio felt guilt pooling in his stomach, he was no better than Mercutio when it came to his hard-headed decisions. “Tybalt…..would with me?” Ben cautiously squeaked out, a little embarrassed by his stupid request. The swordsman looked pensive, almost unsure of what to say, but to Benvolio’s surprise he laid next to Benvolio. His fingers cautiously brushing past the bandages and Benvolio’s fingertips. “I’m sorry.” He muttered quietly after a pregnant silence, eyes staring off into the distance. “I help you...I guess my pigheaded decisions just cause...trouble.” He trailed off sorrowfully. “Tybalt no, no this isn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself for this...its fine, I’m okay and as are you.” Benvolio insisted, distressed at the Capulet’s guilt and angst. “I thought you died.” He uttered, voice splintering with pain and grief. “Tybalt I’m sorry, I-I just wanted to protect you I didn’t mean for you to suffer.” Whimpered Benvolio. Tybalt pulled Benvolio to his chest, daintily kissing the top of the artist’s hair. “I love you” He mumbled, keeping his tears at bay “Don’t scare me like that again.” “I love you too Tybalt.” Benvolio replied quietly, lightly nuzzling Tybalt’s neck. They began to drift off, tired from their emotional rollercoaster.

End of chapter 4

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