Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Tybalt yawned softly, looking down at his precious Benvolio. Kissing the top of the blond's head softly and feeling the warm dark skin. He felt so warm and fuzzy with Benvolio curled up next to him. Tybalt started to close his eyes again, oh so tempted to drift off again but some heavy knocks sent his eyes wide open. A groan escaped his lips as he opened the door hastily. "Wha-" "Where's Benvolio you fucking furry?" Mercutio demanded. Tybalt could feel annoyance prodding at his calm mood. "Excuse me Montague? Run that by me again." Tybalt growled, he wouldn't mind slamming the door in the other's insolante face. "Tybalt we are only here to check on Benvolio." Replied Romeo, obviously not too happy that he was dragged along to the swordsman's apartment. With a tsk Tybalt opened the door and let them walk in. "You could try and be decent in my household." He hissed at the both of them, a little pissed that he was interrupted. "You could try and answer our question-" Romeo rolled his eyes "Like we said we are only here for Benvolio." Sending a glare at Mercutio. "What did I do?" He replied, confused as to why Romeo would be frustrated with him. "Benvolio is resting in my bedroom if you must know." Tybalt replied, unamused with their bullshit. Romeo raised an eyebrow and Mercutio shot an accusatory glare at Tybalt. "He's fine!" snapped Tybalt, his patience at it's end with their stupid implications and their stupid faces. “Oh don't you dare snap at us! That's our cousin and if I find out you banged him while he was so stressed I sweaR TO CHRIST-!!” “You shut your mouth Mercutio, don't you dare throw threats in my household! And for you to even consider that I would take advantage of Benvolio is disgusting and a wild conclusiON!” Romeo seemed to join in on the discourse “Why how disrespectful of you! We are Benvolio’s friends and care for his safety you fucking ass! We are aLLOWED TO BE AS WORRIED AS WE PLEASE!” Soon all three of you were yelling at eachother, threats and accusations flying quicker than the sparrows did at the sight of breadcrumbs bouncing down a sidewalk. "Enough!" Benvolio was leaning heavily against the wall, hand to his injury that was hidden under his shirt. "Benvolio!" The two idiots cried, flocking to Benvolio's side and hugging him. The pressure on the wound made Benvolio cry out, tugging away slightly. Tybalt quickly joined Benvolio's side, offering a hand to support him as the other shooed away Mercutio and Romeo. "What happened Benvolio? Did Tybalt hurt you? I'll skin him alive!!" "ngh no he di-didn't hurt me...Prince Paris did.." Benvolio started, leaning on Tybalt now. Tybalt supported Benvolio to the sofa, shooting a glare at the two imbeciles. Mercutio flicked Tybalt off, honestly rather tame for what he was capable of. "Benvolio we left you here two days ago, what type of trouble could you have with the Prince?" "It's...complicated." “Benvolio.” Mercutio was serious, his gaze stern at Benvolio. Wow, the little rat was able to be serious for five seconds. Ben shifted uncomfortably, obviously not wanting to be placed on the spot. “Don't bother him. I'll explain what happened if you really yearn to know.” Tybalt stated, he didn't miss the grateful look Benvolio gave him. “Then do explain Tybalt.” Hissed Mercutio, displeased with this entire shenanigan. “Your parents Romeo wanted Benvolio to engage in a relationship with Prince Paris. Benvolio did not wish for this to happen so….for his sake I dueled the Prince, I was caught off guard and...Benvolio took the hit for me.” The expression that Mercutio held on his face was so horrified you would think that someone had murdered his puppy right in front of him. “What?” He asked quietly, a bit shocked. “....You were dueling for Benvolio’s hand?” Tybalt choked on air, so did Benvolio judging by the noise. “I-I was fighting for his right to choose who ever he wishes to  court.” Tybalt huffed, confident in his answer, there was no way that they could twist that around. “Technically you didn’t! You dueled the Prince over Benvolio, therefore you were fighting for his hand. Those are the dueling rules Tybalt.” Mercutio hissed. Romeo rose to his feet “Are you hitting on my cousin???” Tybalt was oh so tempted to smart ass these fuckers and state that he and Benvolio had gotten past a few simple flirts. “Romeo Mercutio I appreciate the support but I can take care of myself! Now why don’t we all cal-” Yet another knock at the door sent Tybalt unhappily opening the door. “Hello Juliet.” Tybalt sighed,  why didn’t they just throw a goddamned family reunion. “You don't seem happy to see me.” Puffed Juliet, snapping her fan and fanning herself sassily. Ugh damnit Juliet. “Juliet? Why how delightful to see you here!” chirped Romeo, going towards the door. Juliet looked distastefully and curiously at Tybalt’s background. “Why is Romeo in your house?” She questioned. “Juliet I’m grateful that I was able to see you but do you think you could visit at a later da-” “Nonsense! Tybalt We aren’t going to be loong.” He whined “Plus it’s rude not to let a beautiful lady enter your hous-” “Don’t lecture me on how to treat my own cousin,Montague.”snarled the swordsman. Juliet simply ignored Romeo, poor lovestruck fool. Mercutio seemed serious and even jealous to an extent at Juliet. Juliet said her greetings before sitting next to Mercutio, on the opposite side of where Romeo was sitting. “Are you going to explain why the Montague boys are in your apartment Tybalt?” She asked, brushing some hair away from her face. “Benvolio is staying with me for a little while. I don't know why these two are here.” Tybalt was unaware how smoothly and clean Benvolio’s name came out while the end of his sentence had been laced with annoyance. Juliet definitely noticed, judging by her smirk and by her raised eyebrows. “I see…” Benvolio gulped, starting to get a bit nervous at Juliet’s keen answer. Tybalt turned to Benvolio “Would you like some privacy with your cousins?” Tybalt asked, his fingertips ghostly brushing Benvolio's knee. “That would be nice, Thank you Tybalt.” Benvolio smiled back, that smile made his insides turn to mush. Tybalt pulled Juliet aside, giving one last glance at Benvolio.”Are you infatuated with Benvolio Montague?” Juliet asked, crossing her arms and smirking. Tybalt was tempted to point out that they had passed crushes and flirts, but he wasn't sure how comfortable Benvolio would be with it. “Possibly.” His reply was monotone, and very clearly unamused with Juliet’s shenanigans. “Why do I find myself in your presence Juliet?” Groaned the swordsman. “I decided to stop by and say hi, am I not allowed?” She snapped, her sass getting the best of her. Juliet was his beloved younger cousin whom he adored like a sister, but even her sharpness irritated him. “At least tell me when you're coming.” “So, tell me about you and Benvolio.” That mischievous grin back on her lips. “Enough, it’s up to him if he wishes to say. In a theoretical  situation.” “You act so fierce yet are so soft.” “There’s no such thing in me. If I have to ask anything, what is it with you and Romeo? One second you're flirting then the next you’re at eachothers throats.” “I had a slight infatuation with him, but I found myself falling for the..gentle and sweet flower that Rosaline was.” Her features seemed wistful and even dreamlike. “But alas, she has committed to celibacy. Then that ass Romeo has the nerve to mock me and act like he wasn’t as hung over over the situation as I was.” “So it was an argument?” “It was humiliating and mocking, if he wishes to win my heart then he can woo me not jeer at my emotions.” She huffed. Tybalt could see it like the sun in the afternoon sky, she was just wounded by Romeo’s idiotic actions. “I’m sure if you still wished to date, you two could fix it.” Tybalt gently placed a hand on Juliet's shoulder. “If not, I’m sure that you could snatch up another.” Her features softened “Thank you cousin.” “If the brat hasn’t learned respect I’d be more than happy to teach him.” “I assure you that is the quickest way to get cockblocked Tybalt dearest.” Tybalt flushed and quickly shooed her out of the hallway. They re-entered the living room to find Benvolio shirtless as Romeo inspected the bandages and as Mercutio fawned over him. “Tybalt! M-my sincerest apologies.” Tybalt quickly turned his head away, his tough exterior temporarily broken by his modesty. “My my! Benvolio what happened?” Juliet asked, her eyes wide with shock at the sight of the slightly pink tinted chrisp medical bandages. “I appreciate the worry, it is nothing I assure you.” The male Capulet felt a bit of rage burn. Nothing didn’t mean nearly dying and scaring the ever-loving shit out of him. “Benvolio your injury is not nothing. You nearly died.” Tybalt replied, his voice sharp. “Even your cheek is bruised, did you engage in a fight? No, that can’t be it….you’re Benvolio for heaven's-sake.” Juliet wondered out loud. The two Montague boys seemed horrified at Tybalt’s words. “Died?” Mercutio echoed, Romeo looked as if he was about to cry. Benvolio sighed “I appreciate the worry. But I am fine.” The glare that Benvolio sent to the swordsman let him know that he fucked up by letting the information come to light. But Tybalt would not be intimidated, his family needed to know that he was in danger. “It was Prince Paris who injured him. But nobody was able to save him from this injury.” Glared Mercutio, Romeo only narrowed his eyes. “Both of you enough. The fact is….I took the hit for Tybalt because I wanted to.” Benvolio looked up at Tybalt, a small smile forming on his face “He had no fault in my wound.” The tone dwindling down into a gentle and soft one, like when Tybalt had held him in his arms as they came clean with the emotions festering in their minds. “You nearly killed yourself for him!?” Gasped Mercutio. “Benvolio I-I….Thank you for helping my cousin.” Juliet thanked, a bit shocked at the chain of events. Her eyes turned into stone when she glanced at Tybalt. “What situation would require Benvolio to save you Tybalt, from the prince no less?” “Stop it, I am far too stressed to be villainized right now.” Snapped Tybalt, he felt his lip curling as his sharp teeth was revealed. Meanwhile, Benvolio was covered in worried affection, something that was both endearing and frustrating. “Benvolio are you going to be alright? Does it hurt?” “You still have a swollen cheek from that slap, have you been taking care of it Beni?” “Ben you accuse Mercutio of being reckless but you're just as bad!” They brushed his hair back to see his cheek, examined the bandage then back to his face as they scolded him. “Maybe you should come back home….We can take care of you Ben, my parents shouldn't be mad anymore..” “What if they hurt him more? Plus he can't walk with that!” Mercutio pointed out, his hand carefully poking the bandage. “....Can I please have my shirt back?” Benvolio asked, flustered that Tybalt was seeing his body. They ignored him as they continued to plan what to do next. Benvolio didn't wish to leave Tybalt, very content with the swordsman. Of course, he didn't wish to tell Mercutio and Romeo this...he didn't wish to give them the satisfaction. What would happen if he went home? Would he be punished for running away? Had the Lord and Lady noticed his absence? What if he stayed with Tybalt? Would a real relationship bloom? What if Tybalt lost interest? His anxious thoughts melted when Tybalt sat down and gave him a tired smile. Benvolio felt warmth blossom in his chest, he would overcome anything with the swordsman that captured his heart by his side.

The end

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