Chapter 2: Prove Your Worth

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Chapter 2: Prove Your Worth
Satoshi hurried after the Elder that told him he would not pass. He grabbed on his voluminous sleeve, a pout on his face, flaring his mana."Why do I have to stay back another year? You say something about pushing Kohryu Hiroyuki too hard, but holding me back from things that would benefit me is going to stunt my growth! So tell me! Why are you trying to sabotage me?"

The Elder pinched the bridge of his nose, looking down upon Satoshi, who suddenly felt very small underneath his gaze. The Elder let out a rough harrumph in turn, though Satoshi still kept his fists clenched onto the sleeve of his robe."Well, Elder?" Satoshi said, impatient for an answer.The Elder sighed."I didn't want to say this within earshot of the others," the Elder said. "I knew that you would confront me alone here. But my decision remains the same."

"What do I have to do to prove my worth?" Satoshi said, a challenge in his eyes.The Elder slipped his sleeve from Satoshi's grasp, before saying, "Do you want to know the legends of Kohryu Hiroyuki? Why he's a looming shadow that you should never chase after?"

"You don't think I can do it," Satoshi said, before the Elder sighed again.

"I'm just taking realistic consideration of the consequences," the Elder said. "To be honest, Satoshi...your rate of growth is astonishing. In fact, it scares me that you've mastered so many elements at a young age. It is almost comparable to Kohryu's, in fact. Though because of this talent that must be nurtured—do you understand why we try to protect you from the likes of demons and ghosts and Youkai that prowl the lands?"

"They're dangerous, but I must learn how to fight!" Satoshi said, clenching his hands into fists. "If I don't learn to defend myself from them, then I will probably burn out at both ends like Father—and...and..."The Elder showed a moment of consideration for the young boy, kneeling down and grasping him in a hug. "Satoshi, do you understand why I'm so strict with you?"

Satoshi's eyes widened when he found the Elder's arms wrapped around him, though he said nothing. He held his breath, waiting to hear what the Elder had to say.

"Losing Kohryu was..." the Elder said with a sort of mist in his eyes, before he cleared his throat. "Was most regrettable. Your Mother, Akiko, has indulged you. But when things like having great power over the five elements come to one gifted, this can lead to resentment and envy in others. There are those in the faction of the Hiroyuki clan that don't wish for you to be the Heir. There are others in line for the position. We can't show favoritism to you because you're the son of Kohryu Hiroyuki. Kohryu, though a great man, was one many envied. And there are those in the lower branches that want to rise up and seize the glory and legacy that he left behind."Satoshi stared with wide eyes at the Elder's words. It made sense to him, though it didn't mean Satoshi had to like the reality of the situation. Yet there was no use complaining about what was. 

"I want a shikigami," Satoshi said forlornly. "I see my older brothers and sisters proudly bearing the spirit guardian that they have as their partners. I also...want to go to the Mountain Range where candidates for shikigami dwell and capture one for my own use."

"As long as your will and fortitude is stronger than the beast's," the Elder said. "You can make them into a guardian spirit, your shikigami. With all due respect, I don't think it wise that someone as young as you go to the Mountain range where these creatures dwell. Not without the proper training. Not without the fundamentals."Satoshi glanced away. Perhaps he would ask his mother about his father later on. And maybe she would tell him how to summon a shikigami like her white tiger, wouldn't she? 

"If you want to prove your worth, you would withold from summoning and taming a shikigami until you're thirteen years old."Satoshi glanced down, biting his lip. The Elder folded his sleeves together, before saying. "Do you understand why we have you train in the fundamentals, Satoshi?"

"They're boring," Satoshi said with a sulky face.The Edler's expression softened by the slightest bit, though the severity of his features indicated that he would not lax on his word. The Elder put one finger to his cheek, looking a little nervous, before he said, "I' you some dango or something to eat. You actually did an impressive amount of work with manipulating the five elements. I think that should be rewarded, at the very least, even though you played a prank on us all."

Satoshi looked eagerly towards the Elder, eyes shining. Maybe...maybe he could begin to like this Elder!"It's settled, then!" Satoshi said as he happily made his way out of the hallway and through the little village settlement where the Hiroyuki manor was situated. Satoshi hummed happily while they walked past the food stalls and vendors that lent their wares to the village, and the Elder paid some yen to a particularly prominent stall known for it's especially savory and sweet dango. The young Onmyouji took the stick of dango and happily ate one sphere dripped in sauce, savoring the taste exploding on his tongue. Just as sweet as he imagined it would be!

"So sweet!" Satoshi exclaimed, and the Elder probably smiled that Satoshi was acting like the kid he knew him to be. "Hey, Mister, if you give me more dango, I think I will show you something even more cool. I'm going to summon a shinigami!"

"A shikigami isn't summoned until you're at least thirteen years of age," the Elder said. "Though summoning a demon by accident is also very possible."

"Summoning a demon?" Satoshi said thoughtfully, before the Elder shook his head."Never mind," The Elder said. "Consider it the ramblings of a senile old man. Don't pay any regard to my words, Satoshi."

Satoshi decided to drop the subject, before he pointed towards the children wandering around the village. "Elder! If I summon a shikigami companion, will you pass me beyond acolyte?"

The Elder furrowed his brow. "I don't think that you're ready yet, Satoshi-kun. Making a contract with a certain animal spirit takes years of training and mental prowess. No matter how brilliant you may be, you're still a child. Your mental fortitude is still that of a child's, which is why the recommended age of summoning shikigami is thirteen." Satoshi puffed out his cheeks. "You're not fun, Elder."

The Elder patted Satoshi on the head, an exceedingly rare gesture of affection. "You don't have to try so hard to prove your worth.'s better to just be. You know what that means?"Satoshi shook his head.

The Elder sighed.

 "It means that you don't have to have a line of accomplishments by a certain age like Kohryu Hiroyuki. Sometimes it's fine to just be a kid, rather than studying Onmyoujutsu and working so hard to become like your father. You are you, you know? I want to see Satoshi Hiroyuki in his training, not a body double of Kohryu Hiroyuki."

Satoshi grinned. "You're surprised that I was able to manipulate five elements at the age of seven, weren't you, Elder?"

"It is quite an enviable achievement. But be careful of those who try to befriend you because of your skill and talent. Sometimes, it's even possible that if you outshine the master, you would breed ill resentment instead."

Satoshi looked thoughtful for a moment, before he said. "I guess...I should be careful then."

The Elder crinkled his eyes in affection. "I know you mean well well, Satoshi. But just allow yourself some time to grow up and experience the way life should be experienced. In perfect harmony and balance."

Satoshi finished his dango, before he discarded the stick where the sweet dumplings were staked upon. "I must go, Elder. Thank you for the dango!"

With that, he ran off towards his grand and resplendent manor that had several pavilions and koi ponds distributed across its yard. The Hiroyuki manor was the center of the village life, and as a prominent family given prestigious esteem due to Kohryu Hiroyuki's accomplishments, his mother, Satoshi, and his clan could live rather comfortable lives. It was a life of luxury that Satoshi grew accustomed to and didn't know much about the world beyond that. Though Satoshi hoped to one day become an Onmyouji like his father and maybe travel the world as his father had. He knew that the Elder told him that he should be himself and not follow in the shadow of Kohryu Hiroyuki's legend, though Satoshi was determined to become like his father. And what better person to ask than his own mother?

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