Chapter 2: From a Yes to a No

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I walked out of Emmett's house I may have been really rude but I couldn't stand it in there, there was too much...DRAMA and I hate drama yeah I'm not your typical "American" girl. I kept walking along a wierd pathway I've never been before, I kept kicking cans I found on the sidewalk, wow this sidewalk is really dirty then I heard some rustling so I turned around nothing there but then I heard it closer I walked a little faster this time. then I felt hands on my mouth and waist, oh my god this is where I die I thought to myself. I was panicking and started trembling out of fear with tears starting to blur my gaze.

"Hey, hey Mae I'm sorry are you alright?" that voice sounded familiar...Emmett.

I turned around to face him I looked at him and hugged him really tight, he was probably surprised by my actions but then He hugged me back while cooing I'm sorry near my ear then He kissed my forehead and I couldn't help the heat rising at my cheeks with the subtle rosy tint to them.

After some time of hugging I let go, we sat in awkward silence but then I spoke up.

"You scared the shit out of me." I said while looking down at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world, I was most likely blushing right now although it was dark I don't think he would notice.

"You're blushing." he said in a teasing tone.

"And?" I mocked while looking at the stars above us usually, there are no stars out I wonder why today?

"You looked cute." he said looking the other way, I smiled looking at my shoes, He was cute.

"Thanks." I wanted to say it back but nothing came out. "So we're getting married, huh?" the way he said it was more of a fact than a question. "Uh, yeah, I guess." then a thought came to me how can I marry someone I don't even love? "Have you ever been" he asked which took me by surprise but I answered. "No." I said flatly maybe I was being a little too honest with a guy I barely knew. "Not yet anyway. Why?" I asked him.

He looked at me then whipped a tear I didn't notice was there. "Cause I hope to feel it before we get married." He said giving me a smile that could steal anyone's heart and boy did my heart feel the need of being stolen. I couldn't breathe, my heart was beating like crazy, why does he make me feel this? "Me too." I said looking down, I felt butterflies in my stomach not just butterflies, all kinds of things maybe a bit nauseous from the scare he gave me, maybe I'm sick.

"I have an idea!" he blurted out all of the sudden. which caught me off guard.

"Okay." I answered softly.

Then all of the sudden he got up and kneeled down to me while taking my hand and said "Mae will you be my girlfriend?" At first, I was shocked at his question. but it made sense. "Are you surprised?" he asked I nodded my head.

"Maybe we should head ba-" I was caught off by his lips touching mine.

"That'll teach you to answer when people ask you questions." he whispered, while I noticed we were now centimeters apart, He takes my breath away. We were on our way back with an awkward silence because of the kiss, when we heard alot of screaming coming from Emmett's house so we entered.

"I told you I wasn't trying to offend you I was just saying my opinion on this! Oh! kids you're home we were just having a little disagreement. " Emmett's mom says I look at my mom she looked really stressed, then she spoke up.

"I have made a decision will not be marrying Emmett we will find you someone else!" she said sternly.

"Wait first you're telling me that I'm going to get married now you're saying I'm not, what the hell!" I screamed at her.

"You are not allowed to say that to your mother and you are never to see this boy again nor make any interactions with him, now we're leaving!" she said and I was filled with so many emotions but mainly sadness. I can tell you this, I was starting to really like Emmett. My mother grabbed my hand and pretty much dragged me to the car, I just can't believe her! One minute she's all 'You'll get married'  then the other she's like 'Wait no never mind and never talk to that boy again' I just wish she would stop bossing me around I'm almost 16 for christ sake.

Once I got home well to my parent's house yes I have my own house except it's mine until i turn 21. I stomped to my room made sure to slam the door on the way and just layed on my bed grabbed my pillow and screamed so hard to let all my frustration out.

after that little drama, I decided it was best to have a bubble bath so I got up started up the water put In the bubbles let it sink in while I stripped my clothes off and tied my hair in a bun put some candles, and grabbed some hot chocolate from the little kitchen I have in my room.

Finally, I sank in and enjoyed the silence, but then got bored so I picked up my phone, put my earphones on, and blasted my favorite song. I grabbed my hot chocolate and sip on it "Ah life is so calm with no drama." That is pretty much a fact. I was so calm I didn't notice someone throwing peddles at my window I noticed I didn't close the door or the window, no wonder I was getting chilly, then all of the sudden someone was getting through my window and coming inside my room. I panicked I didn't know what to do, I mean I was naked for christ sake!

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" a voice said near the bathroom door then I noticed it was Emmett.

"What the hell, get out NOW!" I whispered, you know so my parents wouldn't listen.

"Yeah okay, but can we talk?" he asked

"Sure, but first get out!" I quietly but angrily said to him.

"Okay, okay fine!" he said and closed the door behind him then I noticed what time it was 9:45pm, shit.

I got out of my bubble bath pit everything away and put on my white fluffy robe that goes up to my knees with my sandals and I got out of the bathroom

"What?" I hissed at him, he just disturbed my private time "This better be good!"

"Look I know our parents had a fight but I have a feeling that's their plan-".

"Wait plan? what plan?" I said to him.

"You see a few days ago I heard my mom talking to your mom on the phone speaking about a plan to get us married and your mom knew you would get angry and storm out of the house but I followed you to see if they could figure out what they would do so once we were coming back they would act like they were fighting and your mom would tell you all she did today and then we would start to like each other and fight for each other then they would decide for us to get married".

"Reverse psychology!" I shouted then covered my mouth with my hands

"Shhh!" Emmett said

"Sorry." I said "But do you know how late it is I need to get my sleep or else I'll look like crap!"

He just chuckled "Anyway I think I'll go now so I'll text you tomorrow to tell you what we should do, so yeah."

"Wait what do you mean we?" I was totally confused I never agreed to go along with his plans.

"Ugh, do you want to know what they're planning or not?" he asked.

"Alright, FINE!" I said with agsoution.

"Bye." he called once he got down then seconds pass I didn't respond he sighed and I think he left.

I layed on my bed and thought 'why is he acting so different'? I turned around and turned the lights off and kissed good night to a photo of my dog that passed away 3 years ago. "What do I do loki?" I sobbed in my pillow "Why can't you be here with me, good night I love you loki." I looked at the ceiling and sighed then decided to close my eyes and go to sleep.

so much for a peaceful night.


okay here is the chapter sorry it may be short but I hope it satisfies you guys thanks for reading

keep reading my book pls


love, kat25521

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