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Gabriel had never been more proud of himself than when he saw the look on Sam's face when Gabe told him that he'd gotten the puppy for Sam. As they headed back to Sam's apartment, Gabriel watched Sam as he fawned over Moose.

"You know what this means though, right?" Gabriel said.

"What?" Sam asked.

"You named her Moose. You are also Moose. How are you ever going to know who I'm talking to?" Gabe asked.

"I'm guessing you already have an idea," Sam said, smiling.

"Sure do, Big Moose," Gabriel said. Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"I asked for that one," Sam said.

"You kinda did," Gabe said, reaching out to scratch Little Moose's head affectionately. Moose yipped happily and Gabe grinned.

"Your uncle Gabe is gonna spoil you so much!" Gabe cooed. Sam smiled.


"I'm glad she's finally yours, though. Those were the most hectic two days of my life," Gabriel said as Sam sat on his living room floor playing with Moose.

"Puppies are a handful," Sam said. Moose rolled over and panted, looking happy.

"She's almost as cute as you are," Gabe said.

"Almost?" Sam asked, looking up at Gabe.

"Nothing's cuter than you," Gabe said, grinning. Sam smiled.

"I find that hard to believe. I mean, if you had to pick between these two faces, are you really telling me that you would pick me?" Sam asked, holding Moose up next to his own face.

"You're definitely cuter. I'd pick you, every time." Gabriel said it lightly, but he was slightly scared by how serious he was. Sam huffed out a laugh.

"Liar," he said, going back to playing with Moose. Gabriel smiled sadly as it hit him all over again that Sam wasn't his.

"I meant what I said and I said what I meant, and an elephant's faithful, one-hundred percent," he said. Sam looked over at him.

"Did you just quote Doctor Suess?" He asked.

"Don't judge the Suess, dude," Gabe said. Sam just chuckled. They sat in silence for a while, watching Moose, until Sam spoke.

"Thank you. A lot. This is the best birthday I've had in a while," he said. Gabe grinned.

"That was the goal," he said.

"Well Moose is amazing, and I already love her," Sam said. Gabriel smiled and stood up.

"That's good. I should probably go. Enjoy being twenty-four," he said. Sam stood up too and they said their goodbyes. Gabe was happy as he left. He had seen how much Sam had loved Moose, and nothing had ever made Gabe as happy as the look on Sam's face. Gabe was repeatedly amazed by how in love he was with Sam Winchester.

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