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Gabe couldn't remember being happier. After he had taken Sam out for ice cream, they had been on several more dates. Gabe still wasn't sure if Sam would classify them as boyfriends, but that was okay. Gabe was happy just to know Sam. Sam was still sad a lot, but Gabe believed in his abilities as the master of cheering people up.

Gabe was sitting in his apartment late one night, eating candy and thinking about Sam, when his phone rang and, speak of the devil, it was Sam.

"Hello my moostress," Gabe said when he answered. Sam didn't say anything. "Samsquatch? Are you there?" Gabe asked.

"Gabe..." Gabe instantly sat up straighter. He could tell just by the sound of Sam's voice that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Gabe asked.

"Can you... can you just..." Sam said softly, not completing his sentence.

"I'm on my way," Gabe said, standing up and hurrying out to his car.

"Thank you," Sam murmured.

"Sam-" Gabriel said, but Sam had already hung up. As Gabriel drove to Sam's apartment, he was worried out of his mind. He didn't know what was going on, but it didn't sound good. For a second Gabe wondered where Dean was, but then he realized Dean must be out with Cas. Dammit Dean, your brother needs help. Gabe's hands tightened on the steering wheel.

When Gabe got to Sam's door he knocked loudly.

"Sam?" He called. Sam opened the door shortly afterwards and Gabe rushed inside.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Gabe asked. The room was completely dark, as far as Gabe could tell there were no lights on anywhere in the apartment.

"I called Madison," Sam said softly, walking over to the couch and sitting on it, burying his face in his hands. Gabe stared at Sam.

"Ex-girlfriend Madison?" Gabe asked. Sam nodded. "What did she say?"

"Gabe, I'm a freak. I... I don't belong in this world," Sam said. Gabe didn't know it was possible to feel burning rage and overwhelming sadness at the same time, but right then, he did. Gabe sat down next to Sam and took his hand.

"Sam Winchester, don't ever say you're a freak, because it's not true," Gabe said.

"Gabriel, please. I don't... I just can't... I'm sorry I dragged you into my life. I won't blame you when you leave," Sam stared at the floor as a tear rolled down his cheek. Gabriel reached out and gently turned Sam's head towards Gabe.

"Sam, look at me. You are amazing. You aren't a freak, and I hate that anyone ever made you think otherwise. I am not going to leave you. You're beautiful, Sam," Gabe said tenderly. More tears started to flow down Sam's cheeks, and Gabe pulled him close, wrapping his arms around Sam, wishing he could protect this beautiful man. Sam cried into Gabe's shirt for a long time, Gabe murmuring in his ear, and even after the tears had dried, Gabe still held Sam, until Sam started to drift off to sleep. Gabe kissed the top of Sam's head softly, watching his chest rise and fall as he slept. Gabe didn't ever want to let go.

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