Chapter 1 - Fear

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Chapter 1

 Sitting alone under the night sky so black,

Nobody knows what she's holding back,
Pulling her sleeves past the black and blue,
Once these bruises fade they'll come back anew.

Looking up at the stars so high,
Sometimes she wishes she could melt into the sky,
Out of her eye drops a single tear,
As she realizes she has to face her worst fear.

At the thought of home she shutters,
And a prayer for help she mutters,
Her angry father's face shakes in her head,
And her broken heart fills with dread.

The front door creaks as she steps inside,
Jumping over beer bottles she runs to hide,
Sliding under her bed she tries not to make a sound,
Too late: the floor creaks as she touches the ground.

She tries to hold back the tears, he hits her harder when she cries,
But they slip out as the heavy steps get closer, she's terrified,
The door slams open, the pain is about to come,
Her dad's clothes smell like smoke and rum.

He lifts her up by a chunk of her hair,
Taking the first punch he begins to swear,
She cries for help, but it's to late,
He won't stop till he's got out all the hate.


My long brown hair swayed to the music as my big blue eyes sparkled. 

"I heard there was a a secret cord, that David played and it pleased the lord" I sang, and then I heard heavy foot steps.

"SHUT UP YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING RAT" I turned around to see my angry looking father, he raised his arm and swung. I felt a sharp pain in my cheek, there was a wet warm substance running down my cheek. I looked up at my father with fear. 

He stormed out of the room without looking at me, I couldn't help the tears that flowed once he left. I ran to the bathroom and looked at my already  healing face, but there was a difference, a claw mark was still on my face from where my father had clawed me. 

I went to school keeping my head down and my hood up. One of the teachers made me take my hoodie off, and once I did I felt every ones eyes burning through me, their face clearly showing shame. My so called "friends" avoided me that day, only glancing at me to see my scar.

As I returned home my father was waiting on me in the hallway. 

"Lets go" he ordered, I looked at him with a strange expression. He grabbed my arm and dragged me through the house to the basement, where our cells were. He hit me square in the stomach which made me want to vomit. 

He locked the cell and went back upstairs. I screamed and screamed until I couldn't scream any more.

That was how it started. I have been hit so many times I stopped counting and I have had tape covering my mouth over night so i wouldn't wake him with my screams. I get let out of the cells just to go to school or eat, but am not allowed to speak. 

This had been going on for a few years now. 

I wear black skinny jeans and an over sized black hoodie so I could hide the bruises. I constantly wore my hood up unless I was told to take it down.

I am now 18 years of age and I have been let out to have a shower because my father has another pack alpha, his son and beta coming over for dinner. I went up to my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror for a few moments, there were scars everywhere, on my arms, my legs, even the first one I ever got.

I looked ugly and I'm a pathetic excuse for a werewolf, I haven't even shifted before. I went for a shower and the hot water felt good against my fragile skin, washing my long brown hair and my beaten up body.   

As I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my wet body and walked to my room where a black dress was sitting on my bed. It was beautiful, the soft fabric felt so alien to me now. I put it on and blow dried my hair, I put it up into a side braid so it was out of the way, I didn't bother with any make up. I put on a long sleeved white cardigan.  

I walked down stairs to find the alpha from the other pack was here  talking to my father, he glanced over at me and smiled, then I smelt it. The most intoxicating, beautiful smell I could ever have the pleasure of smelling, it smelt like fresh rain on the forest ground, and chocolate. my wolf was going crazy shouting "MATE MATE MATE!".

A boy around my age walked round his father to shake my father's hand, but before his hand made contact, his eyes snapped to mine and he said the word I have been longing to hear since I was 13,


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