Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It has been 16 years since i lost my baby, we have been searching and searching, Tommy has been searching with us when he turned 16 , he wanted to find his baby sister, he is now 23 years old and he hasn't found his mate yet, i have been a wreck but at least i have had Tommy to look after. 

We are in Scotland now looking, and our next town is Glasgow, if she was here someone must have seen here, oh my beautiful baby girl is 16 years old and she has never met her mum or dad.

"What you seen a 16 year old girl that looks like us?" we kept asking people, but everyone just thinks we are crazy.

We got into Glasgow and started asking teenage girls, but non know, there was a bunch of them coming out of McDonald's me and Anthony ran up.

"Sorry to stop you but we are looking for a 16 year old girl that may look like me or him" i asked pointing to Anthony, they looked at us thinking.

"I don't know am sorry, why?" one of then stepped out in front, she had brown hair and brown eyes, there was something about her but i don't know what it was.

"Please i'm begging you, she's my daughter, we don't have any pictures she was taken from be when she was born, please i'm begging you just think" i looked into her eyes, she put a thinking face on, i heard Anthony gasp, i looked at him he was staring right at this girl.

"That's her, that's our Faith" he mind linked me, i gasped and she looked at me.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Whats the name of the girl?" the blond girl asked.

"Faith her names Faith"the girls all looked at the brown haired one.

"She has the same name as me, but am sorry i don't know anyone called Faith, maybe you could speak to my granddad he's good with people around here" she said, her granddad my dad.

"Yes could we please that would be a big help" i said, she was so beautiful, our little Faith doesn't seem like she had been hurt.

She walked us back to her house and walked in, me and Anthony were going to break his face if it is him.

"Right since no one is here, i know your werewolves now who are you and why are you here?" Faith turned round, she looks like Anthony when she's mad, i think he saw it too because he chuckled.

"Faith, wheres your granddad? " Anthony said, he hadn't spoken to her before, and he used the alpha tone, she got a shock and jumped.

"He isn't here and if he was he would ripe you to shreds, he's an alpha" she spat, trying to look hard.

"Well am an alpha too and Angel here is my Luna, we are both stronger than your granddad put together, he wont get away this time with the most precious thing to us again, call Tommy over Angel" he asked me, i nodded and mind linked Tommy telling him we found Faith and were we are.

"Who's Tommy and how do you know my granddad?" she looked scared now.

"Look Faith, we are not here to hurt you honey, Tommy is our adopted son and your older brother, i am your mum Faith, your granddad is my father" i told her.

"My mums dead and my dad, he said so" she said backing away from us, i believe she maybe mind linked my father.

"No Faith we are standing right in front of you" Anthony said, as he finished, my dad walked in the door.

"Granddad, they said their my mum and dad" she ran to him and hid behind him, he looked angry.

"Your meant to be dead, how did you survive?" he spat looking at me.

"Nice to see you to dad, now hand over my daughter"

"No way, she doesn't even know you" Faith looked at me then at my dad.

"she's my mum and he's my dad? you lied to me all these years?" she said.

"I had to there bad people" he said.

"Wonder how i got this scar on my face Faith, it was him, i have them all over my body and there all from him" i said.

"Shut up you little bitch" he swung his arm to hit me but Tommy was behind him with his arm holding my dads arm from hitting me, nice timing Tommy.

"Faith I'm Tommy your adopted older brother" he said smiling at her, she smiled back, Anthony was ready to shift, i pulled Faith away from them and Tommy stepped back, Anthony shifted and ran for my dad, Faith buried her head into my neck as she hugged me, i did the same to her. I looked up to see my fathers wolf form and Anthony rolling on the ground trying to bit each other.

"Go with Tommy he will keep you safe" i said pushing Faith to Tommy, she wouldn't let go of me so Tommy grabbed her and throw her over his shoulder, she screamed and kicked but he just left out the door to the car, i shifted and tackled my father who was on top of Anthony, and we both started wrestling around, i got on top and bit his shoulder, he just growled at me, i went for his neck and ripped a chunk out, he shifted back and i got of him and shifted back, Anthony was beside me smiling.

"We have our baby back" he said, i smiled, not that she was a baby any more, i put on some cloths and ran out to Faith, she ran out the car and crushed her body against mine, Anthony joined in hugging us both.

We took her home to the pack, everyone welcomed her with opened arms, she liked the attention, i was crying and so was Anthony, my father was dead now and i have my baby girl back.


The party

It was time for the welcome to the pack party, i went up to see how Faith was, she looked beautiful, she wore a black dress and her hair was curled.

"You look beautiful honey" i said when i walked up to her, she hugged me.

"So do you mum" she smiled at me, we walked down the stairs and found everyone waiting to see her, there were gasps and crying, i was crying and so was Anthony, he has become such a baby, i giggled to myself.

"I know we have missed your child hood but i hope we will be there when you find your mate" Anthony said with a evil smile on his face.

"I hope you wont be dad" she laughed "you might kill him" i started laughing too.

"That's true Anthony, you don't want our little girl to go again so you might kill her mate so she will stay with us" i said, Anthony was laughing. Tommy walked up and hugged Faith, Tommy has gotten so handsome maybe Faith is his mate, i thought, i knew Anthony heard it because he started glaring at Tommy, i giggled and danced with my beautiful daughter and husband. This night was beautiful.



It turns out that Tommy was Faith's mate but he didn't want to tell her until she was the right age, i knew this because he told me after the party was over, i was over the moon, it might be weird for Faith because she will think of him as a big brother for 2 years and then he's her mate, well its better than nothing, am glad she has Tommy.


_____Look what my boyfri

end has done for my birthday !  Made this book in

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end has done for my birthday !  Made this book in

to a hard back cover !

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