Chapter 12 - First Shift

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Chapter 12

I woke up, rubbing my eyes i looked over at Tommy's bed, he wasn't there , where was he?, i jumped out of the bed and ran down the hall to the kitchen and found Tommy sitting eating, oh thank got he's okay, i ran over to him and hugged him, i could feel eyes on my but i don't care, i have got attached to Tommy and if anything would have ever happened to him i would have died in side.

"Would you like some breakfast?" i looked up from Tommy to see a older woman, i glared at her and stood in front of Tommy, "sorry am Claire i'm George's mother, would you like some breakfast?" i nodded and took a seat next to Tommy who was eating like a pig, i couldn't help but laugh, he laughed too.

I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to get ready, i took a shower and put on some clothes, Tommy had already took a shower. He was out playing with the other kids, i went to look for George to tell him we will be leaving, i walked in and found Anthony talking to him, he looked at me and then back to George, i gasped. 

"Ah Angel your up, have you had breakfast?" George asked, i couldn't answer, i ran out of the room and back to mine packing up all of mine and Tommy's stuff, i ran down the hall, Anthony and George were out of the office and watching me, i ran out side and shifted i don't care if i ripped my clothes, i lent next to Tommy and he said bye to his new friends and climbed on, i looked back and saw Anthony with his mouth hanging open, and i started walking really fast out into the woods, i heard paws running after me.

"Stop" i heard Anthony shout, tears ran down my face, i looked up at Tommy who was looking back at his Alpha, i slowed down but didn't stop, a wolf jumped in front of me, who must be George he was as big as an alpha, he pushed me gently to go back to the house but i just stayed where i was, even my wolf didn't want to go back, he called us ugly.

"Angel i don't now who you are but i don't want to lose you and am sorry for calling you ugly" Anthony said after catching up to us, i turned to face him, his face was full of guilt as he saw my crying wolf. 

I put Tommy down and went behind a tree and shifted back, i put on some clothes that were in the bag and walked out.

"I want you and Tommy to come back to the pack" he said looking at me then to Tommy.

"Well i don't want to come back, i  am your mate and you treat me like that, i cant even look at you" i turned round to face George who was still in wolf form, i could hear Anthony's breathing getting unsteady, i looked around to see tears running down his cheeks, i ran up and whipped then away, he looked at me shocked.

"Please Angel come back, we can work this out, i may not remember you but when you ran away my heart broke" he said holding my hand.

"I cant, your not ready for another fight, i have to lead him away from you and the pack"i looked at Tommy who looked a little scared.

"Who is coming after you?" i heard anger in his voice.

"You have to take Tommy back, look after him, am going back to him Anthony  i love you so much" i crushed my lips to his, he was shocked but soon started kissing me back, i couldn't let it go on for to long, i pulled away.

"I will protect you from whoever is coming for you Angel your my mate" he said out of breath.

"No you cant in this state, it will be okay find someone that will make you happy, and take care of Tommy for me" i said tears falling from my eyes now, i have to go back to protect the pack and to protect Tommy and Anthony. There it was again the pain in my stomach, i flinched at it, it was getting more painful, Anthony had his hands on my waist holding me up, what is happening to me?.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah am okay, just please promise me you will look after Tommy" i asked again.

"Your not going anywhere but back to the pack" he used his alpha tone, he picked me up and throw me over his shoulder, he took Tommy's hand and started walking to a big car, he put my in the back with Tommy, he locked the doors before i could make a run for it.

"Your coming home with me"  i didn't answer back, there was no point he was stronger than me.


a few hours

A few hours later we were back at the pack, he took me and Tommy in the house and sat us on the couch.

"Right, tell me who is after you" he used his alpha tone again, i sighed.

"My dad, he is the one that gave me all these scars and you came and rescued me when i needed you, now he's coming to kill you and me" i said holding only Tommy who was shaking.

"Well no one is going to hurt you or kill me" he said, Tommy let out a ear piercing scream and my eyes snapped to him, he fell on the floor holding his stomach, he was going to shift, its time, i looked up at Anthony who was staring at Tommy.

"We need to get him outside" i said he nodded and lifted him up, he put him on the ground outside, everyone was watching, with amazement in there eyes, Tommy wouldn't stop screaming, i tried to sooth him. Then he shifted, he was small but he was only young, he was a reddish brown wolf with a black ear, he was so cute.

"You shifted Tommy, your first shift well done" i said, people around us were clapping, i hugged him and told him to think of everything he had when he was human, what colour of hair his arms and legs, he shifted back, he was naked. I helped him up of the ground and walked him in side were he would get changed, Anthony had a shocked look on his face, Tommy was grinning, i think he is happy he shifted, i laughed at Anthony's shocked face.

"I remember my first shift" he said, i stopped laughing and looked at him, "I remember everything, well not in detail but i remember how much i love you"he looked into my eyes, tears were flowing down my face, i ran to him and hugged him, he hugged back.

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