Chapter 13- War

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Chapter 13

I woke up, Anthony was gone, i remember his telling me he had to see the doctor, i got up and looked in at Tommy, he was still sleeping. Poor little thing must be tired. I walked down stairs to make some breakfast, the pain in my stomach came back, "ooft" i said, then it was gone, that's weird what is it?, i made some cereal for Tommy and i made some toast for me. Tommy came down the stairs not that long after i pored the milk into the cereal, he smiled at me and started to eat.

"How you feeling?" i asked, he looked up.

"Am feeling good, just a little sore but am good" he smiled.

"Your wolf is beautiful Tommy" i said, he smiled, and started eating again, i went up stairs and took a shower then got changed. 

Anthony was talking to Tommy when i came down, his eyes wondered over my body as i came down the stairs, i kissed him and sat on his lap.

"Right so Tommy you will be staying here from now on, doesn't mean you call us mum or dad okay, its just until you 18 and you find your mate and get a house of your own" Anthony told Tommy.

"Okay, thank you alpha for letting me stay here and thank you Angel for looking after me" i hugged him.

"You can call me Anthony" he said, Tommy hugged Anthony and i couldn't help but giggle, it was just so cute. "and you" he turned to look at me "don't run away from me again or you will get punished" i laughed and kissed him. I would never run away from him again. We watched some telly and then me and Tommy went to get more of his stuff from his house, he was allowed some of his parents stuff as much as he wants, but no one is going to be living in it, its going to be left for Tommy when he's old enough. 

My father would be here in a few days and there's going to be a war, and i will fight, Tommy will be with all the woman and children and i will be fighting to protect him.

"Tommy theres going to be a fight in a few days, don't be scared okay" i said, he looked down and nodded, "i love you Tommy, and i will protect you with my life" i knelt down in front of him and hugged him.

"i love you to Angel" he said, we walked back home and i was going to prepare dinner, we will have a big day in a few days, and we all need out strength, we had chicken and potato's and some vegetables.

"So Tommy, your about 7 years old right?" Anthony asked.

"Yes i am Aplh--- Anthony" i giggled at his answer and continued eating, i cleaned the dishes when we were done and Tommy dried them and Anthony put them away.

After a few hours of watching telly and talking i tucked Tommy into bed, and went to bed with Anthony, we cuddled as i fell asleep.

I was walking with Tommy and Anthony when they attacked, my old pack, they were 2 days early, Anthony shifted as i ran with Tommy to the barn, i put Tommy in it and went to fight, Anthony was killed, i started screaming and crying then i went on a rampage.


I screamed and sat up, i was in bed, Anthony woke up and sat up beside me.

"Whats wrong? bad dream?" i was shaking and crying as i hugged him.

"He's coming, he's coming tomorrow" i said, Anthony tensed up, i know he was thinking of what to do, he jumped out of bed and ran out the door, he came back with Tommy in his arms rubbing his eyes.

"Go to the barn, all the woman and children are going, i mind linked everyone there moving now, hurry get Tommy to the barn" he shouted putting Tommy on the bed, i jumped up and put on some clothes and took sleepy Tommy by the hand, i grabbed a bag an put a lot of food in it, and headed to the barn, there were a few people there already, most men taking there wife and children, i got inside and put Tommy with a few people.

"Look Tommy, the fight will start in a few hours, stay here and don't make any sounds okay, honey this bag has a lot of food in it, make sure all the kids get feed, and the mums okay, i love you Tommy" i hugged him, he looked scared but hugged me back and took the bag, i ran out the barn and headed for the pack house were all the planning is going on.

"Hows Tommy?" Anthony asked.

"Scared but he will be safe in the barn" Anthony nodded "i want you to go there to and stay with Tommy" i shock my head.

"I couldn't do that, Tommy is like our son now and i will protect him with my life"  i shouted.

"I know but wouldn't it be better if you protect him from the barn?" i thought about it for a minute.

"You better not die, if you do i'll kill everyone " i said kissing him, he nodded and hugged me, i ran back to the barn and ran in, Tommy was in tears, he looked up and saw me and ran to me, i had my arms out for him, he slammed his body into mine and cried.


People had fallen asleep but was wakened by the guard telling us it started, we have been sitting here for a few hours, Tommy was asleep in my arms, i heard growling and barking, i started crying, what will happen? will Anthony die? no he couldn't, he just couldn't. There it was again the sharp pain in my stomach, i ignored it, i couldn't just sit here, i slowly put Tommy on the seat as i stood up, i walked past the guard.

"You cant go out there Luna" he said.

"I'm going to defend my pack, if you want to stop me fine but am going" he nodded, i shifted and ran towards the fight, everyone was fighting, i saw a few wolfs from my old pack dead and from my new pack dead, oh there family's, then i saw Anthony, he was on the ground getting attack my dad, my dad was about to rip out Anthony's neck when........

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