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"Hey, are you busy right now?" Sven walks in standing behind Tan as he sits on the computer in the yearbook committee room.

"You mean as I'm editing these pictures right now for the yearbook?" Tan asks sarcastically "not at all what's up?" He stops what he's doing and turns to Sven "woah you're really sweaty" he makes fun of him

"It's a mix of working out and nerves" Tan watches as the sweat glistens down his arms, and the muscle shirt he's wearing covers nothing.

"Nerves?" They walk out of the room and stand closer

"I'm freaking out about tonight" Sven whispers

"Why? You've played a bunch of games before"

"This one's different people are gonna be watching"

"Like they usually do?"

"No Tan I mean the scouts they're coming and I don't think I'm ready"

"Sven since you became captain of JV they've won almost every game, you single-handedly turned those losers around" Sven chuckles at Tan calling his teammate losers, "and I know you're ready with all those practices and literally carrying a basketball everywhere you go, there's no way you won't win."

Sven smiles feeling himself calming down "thanks, Tan."

"Did you just need to hear me say how good you are?" Tan asks smiling

"Yes I'm freaking out and it helps"

"Then I'll make you a deal, every chance I get before and during the game, I'll personally tell you or text you how good I think you are."

"You're the best" Sven hugs him and normally the feel of someone else's sweat on him would make Tan lose his mind, but he has a crush on Sven so the sweat doesn't bother him. "I'm glad you're gonna be here tonight" Sven pulls away and they're unable to stop smiling at each other. Sven walks away and as he's walking Tan takes his phone out and texts Sven

You're gonna win tonight.

Getting the text Sven turns back to him grinning, Tan watches as he replies you're my good luck charm. "Um" Tan reads the text then looks back up at Sven surprised but Sven's gone.

"Read that!" Tan practically throws his phone at Erica rushing back into the room

She catches the phone and looks down at the text "shit dude" she looks at Tan

"What does that mean?" He panics

"It means you're his good luck charm stupid" she hands him his phone

"What's happening?"

Erica laughs "Tan you and Sven have been spending a lot of time together lately, and you like him right? So what's the problem? He's obviously into you."

The problem is Harris, Tan's secret that he himself doesn't know how he's still keeping. How can Sven like him now that he's very interested in Harris? Tan thought that maybe if he focused on Harris his feelings for Sven would go away but if anything they're growing, and now with this text, what is Tan to think?

Unable to focus on anything else the rest of the day Tan walks to the gym with Erica about to meet up with Ronnie and Lin. So far he's sent Sven three texts but he's only replied to the first one.

"Let me get this straight" Lin starts as Tan and Erica sit next to them "you get a text saying what?"

"You're my good luck charm" Tan sits down

"And he's freaking out?" Lin looks at Erica

"Yep, for a reason I do not know Tanner's freaking out because Sven the boy he likes told him he was his good luck charm."

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