Chapter 6: Crumbling

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George was out of the way.
I really had time to think about Principal Effiong's request. Representing the school in an international competition would not be such a bad idea. It's all I ever wanted anyways, international recognition for my scientific abilities. But I hesitated in accepting the request because of the fact that I was still a poor orphan who could not afford the little equipment to build my inventions in miniature form, not to talk of a grand invention qualified to win an international science fair.

The rains fell heavily today. This was the first in a long time, we even all thought this year would be a droughty one. My things were getting soaked under this bridge since my position was near to the edge. Jasper still slept like the rains didn't concern him. I packed all my things in a small bag; I hadn't enough anyway. All my new clothes were at Aban's. I just had an old torn mat, a carton box for my books and a bag with a few of my old clothes. Before I met Alice, Jasper always fed me, and gave me all I needed. He even gave me this space when my house burned down with my family in it.

"Hey." I sat down beside Alice in class, as always. Despite the heavy downpour, I made it to school, half drenched.

"Hey. Have you seen Principal Effiong?" Alice asked.

"No, why?" I questioned.

"He came up looking for you. Dude are you in trouble? He never does that."

"I'm not. I mean, I never am. I think it's the fair talk."

"You should go meet him."

"How long ago was he here?"

"Five, maybe six minutes. You just missed him." She said looking at her watch.

I left my seat and made my way out of the class. I had Maths class now and I was sure the teacher would be here any minute, but hey, I'm Adam and I'm still a nerd, so I had completed all the work we were supposed to cover for this week, and next. I still had to be in class, even if it was just for the fun of watching my mates fumble when asked questions. I hastened my steps en route to Principal Effiong's office.

"Come in Mr. Adam." Principal Effiong said to me, not looking up from whatever it was he was writing.

"Thank you." I said as I went inside the room.

"Have a seat." I sat on it. "Do you know why you're here?"

" talk about the fair?" I replied, confused.

"Do you know why you're seated in that chair?"

I looked at the chair on which I sat. It was leather, and comfortable. But it's relationship with students was not a pleasant one. I began to wonder if today was my day. I remembered the last time I was here and how I hesitated to sit on that chair, and how the Principal made it seem like it was so harmless. Now, I thought I was gonna die.

"Do you know what happens to students that sit on that chair?" He asked again. His large coarse voice complied with the sound of the rains and the repeating thunders that disturbed my mind. My heart was racing.

"They...they...they get expelled, or punished?"

"Smaaarrrt kid. Smaaarrrrt kid." The principal said, looking deep into my eyes. I felt tense. This was like in the movies when a vampire was about to suck off a victim he had cornered and decided to scare him by engaging in a little ghastly conversation. Plus, the rains and thunders were not even helping! The principal's office was not entirely dark. Although the rainclouds covered the rays of the sun, the office was luminated by three lightbulbs on the wall.

After thinking for so long about how creepy our school principal was acting today, I muttered, "Help," hoping that somebody outside would hear me and the principal wouldn't; in futility of course.

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