Chapter 10: Another Chance

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"What now?"

"George saw the letter."

"I thought I sent that dude to Hell."

"Well he's back from the dead."

"If you need any more help..."

"It's okay. I can handle him. He seems...nice"

"Yeah. So did Alice."

"You don't have to remind me." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. That's why I told you about it."

"No. You told me because I'm a crazy dude you tell everything." He grinned.

I was talking to Jasper, and he wasn't helping. George seemed very nice, I know. But I was not going to be easy prey to anybody this time. Not again.

"I think he knows where we live. We have to move." I said.

"Hehehe.. You amaze me young man. Chill out and live life, if he comes near here, I'll kill him." Jasper said soothingly.

"Dude, I wanted to get a job." I told Jasper.

"Whaa..??" He said. "Then you'd buy us a car of your own?!" He yelled, suddenly dropping down his cup of water.

"Chill. I just want something to see me through school, plus help me out with some extra cash for the projects."

"How many do you intend to do by the way?"

"Just the flying car, for now. Alice's dad was going to help me build it big. He had the manpower and money. Now I probably have to do that myself."

"Don't worry, you got me."

"Thanks Jasper." I smiled for the first time today.

I was serious though, I really needed a job. I was tired of living from hand to mouth; I needed a change, a definite plan for my life.


Author's note:

Hey guys. I, uhmmm, know it's been a while since I wrote here. I've been disappointing too, I know. I disappoint myself all the time, lol😂😂. But here's some news, I'm back. I'm back because I realised that I wasn't out of what fueled my desire to write here in the first place- You guys, my readers. I apologise if I've left anybody's messages hanging during my absence; I'll reply to them as soon as I can..promise. I also apologise if I left you in suspense. Whatever the case, I'm back, like I said. Please enjoy the next chapters. I really hope you do.

-Thinktwice Darkson

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