Chapter 12: Mr. Sunflowers

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I was in his sitting room. The man's. It was an exotic place with the ambience of a palace. This was similar to where I had lived when my parents lived, so it was not all new to me. I breathed in the freshened air and felt at home. I sat on one of the sofas with my legs crossed; I meant no disrespect whatever, but I loved to be comfortable when I met wealth. Don't blame me, it is what happens when you are brought up wealthily. So, yes, there was that aura of arrogance, as is in every kid with rich parents.

"Make yourself at home." The man said.

"Obviously, I am already." I said, adding a subtle snicker.

"Oh good. So, tell me who you are, and who Jasper is." He said.

"I'm Adam. I'm an orphan. I don't have any family or friends. They died in a fire. I lived, unfortunately..." I chuckled. "I live under a bridge now. I have a roommate, or under the bridge cornermate. He's Jasper, and is about the only friend I have."

"Wow" is all the man could mutter.

"I know right? Wow. I think I hurt him this morning so, I thought to buy him flowers to make up for my attitude."

"Smart idea. You seem like a cultured kid."

"I guess. My parents taught me everything about courtesy and respect. I taught myself everything about meanness and hate."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because niceness is dumb. Especially not when everybody else is mean to you." The man smiled at this, muttered another "Okay." Then,

"So what about school?"

"I pay from what I could muster from my father's assets. Most of it were converted by my uncles and other relatives and the little I have left, or they let me keep, I use to pay my fees. I'm running out of money anyways, and I direly need a job before I am kicked out of school.

"Wow. So your relatives are that...unloving?"

"Apparently. I thought they were like Pops, but they seem all different now that he's gone."


"I know. People right?"

"What can you do? I mean, for a job."

"Everything. I'm good at Maths, Science. I could work better than your accountant if given the opportunity."

"Cocky." The man said, with a disapproving look on his face."

"I know, hehe." I laughed. "Pardon my joke. I don't have their qualifications anyways. But for real though, I can do all sorts of menial housework there is to do. I could be a cleaner, cook, gardener, gatekeeper; anything."

"I thought you were raised like a Prince. How could you know how to do these things you speak of?"

"I'm an attentive child. Besides, my parents in all their wealth never employed a housekeeper. We the kids did everything."

"So you weren't exactly raised like a Prince then, if you got your hands dirty often."

"If you say so." I shrugged.

"Well, I like you." I grinned as the man said. "Do you have a phone?"

"No. I don't." I replied.

The man got up and walked back into the house. Almost immediately after, he cane out with a smartphone in his hand.

"This should do?" He asked.

"Perfectly well." My eyes glistened. I had not owned a phone since my parent's death. This man was giving me a phone for free and I would be a fool to turn him down.

"Here. I'll call you. It better be on when I call, and you better pick up." The man handed me the phone.

"It will be on, and I will pick up. I honestly, don't know what to say." I replied, shocked.

"You don't have to say anything. I get that you're grateful." He put his hand in his right pocket and brought out some wads of 1000 Naira notes.

"Here too, you need them more than I do."

"Thank you Sir." I said, dying from gratitude.

"I haven't told you anything about me, yet. But I have to discuss your employment with my wife first, and if she's cool with it, I'll call you. If she isn't, I'll still call you. Then, we may sit again and talk about me."

"You're a godsend."

"If you say so." He shrugged. We both chuckled as he walked me out of the premises.

I guess taking time out to clear my head was rewarding after all. I think I found me a job, or a job found me. Either ways, I was sure I was going to benefit greatly. I think I liked this guy. I did not know his name, so I called him the sunflowers man, or Mr. Sunflowers. He was so understanding, I guess, and even considered giving me a job without my asking. All I had left now was hope that his wife will consent to my working for them, and excitement to actually work and be paid, and resume work on my project. Back home, Jasper was still mad at me for the way I talked to him earlier today. His attitude was to be expected, anybody in his position would do the same. Then I showed him the sunflowers. He pretended like the flowers did not exactly concern him. Then I showed him the money I was with. He asked disapprovingly if I had taken to crime to solve my problems. I denied it. Then I showed him the phone. He smiled for the first time since morning and spoke of how he was finally going to get this new girl's number. I know, it's unlike Jasper to get a girlfriend; he is totally crazy. Then I told him I might have found a job. Jasper almost passed out from exhilaration. He lifted me shoulder high and we went out to get wine. Actual wine, this time. Whoa, I just rhymed!😨😨😨

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