"Well that went well." Liam said as we made our way out of the radio station building heading towards the car waiting for us out back.
"Are you done being angry with me." I hear Louis' voice as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me and rests his head on my shoulder. I wiggle out of his grasp and turn to look at him.
I shake my head a small smile creeping on to my face as his pouty face takes over, I can't help but grin as his lips slowly turn up in to a smile.
"I'll take that as a yes." He grins taking my hand and pulling me towards the van.
"Hey why don't we go out to dinner tonight?" Harry suggests as I plop down in a seat next to Louis.
"Yeah, that sounds nice where should we go?" Louis asks placing a hand on my thigh in attempt to grab my attention.
"I'm craving fancy." Madi interjects her opinion and I nod agreeing with her.
"Fancy would be nice." I smile and the boys all nod. We decide to go back to the bus and get ready while the driver dude makes reservations at some fancy restaurant where we can get a bit of privacy.
I link arms with Madi pulling her out of the room quickly to the sitting area, the boys immediately stood up grabbing their jackets and putting their shoes on leaving the bus. Madi and I following close behind as we head towards the van.
I sit next to Louis flashing him a smile.
"You look lovely."
"Thank you." I smile resting my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me pulling me closer as the driver turned down anonymous streets I've never seen before.
"We're late." Liam says looking at his phone screen as we pull into a parking lot of a building with the words Launceston Place written in big letters above the door.
*I tried to do a little research on dining in the United Kingdom so this would be accurate but I apologize in advance for any mistakes I will make regarding how this restaurant works*
"I'm sure they haven't given away out tables." Louis says carelessly as he opens the door to the van pulling me out and heading towards the front doors quickly.
"Hurry in guys we don't want to make a scene." The driver says nudging us further on.
I almost gasp at the interior of the restaurant and Louis smirks pulling me further in to the restaurant to a more private area with better lighting.
"Welcome to the VIP section of the restaurant." Louis smiles guiding me towards a reserved table and I giggle as he pokes my sides persuading me to sit closer.
"Hello, I'm Damian and I'll be your waiter this evening. Are you ready for drinks?" He grins uncomfortably and I nod looking around the table.
"I'll just have a water." I start off the orders and tune everyone out focusing on Louis' hand in mine rather than the tedious conversation circling the table once Damian had shuffled off to retrieve our drinks.
Eventually he returned handing me my water along with the rest of our tables drink orders before snatching the notebook from his back pocket. "Any appetizers?"
I could not care less what they get but for some reason everyone needs to know what I want.
"You guys choose, I don't mind." I say directing my attention towards a veritably distracting small child at a table a few feet away screaming at her parents about wanting pizza, I guess this restaurant wasn't the best environment for a little boy and his parents seemed to agree considering they snatched all their stuff off the table ad left quickly averting the screaming child out of ear shot, I was grateful because he was staring to irritate me.
"What? Sorry." I give Louis an apologetic smile for ignoring whatever he had been saying to me but he didn't seem to mind he just nodded and continued on talking about song writing on the tour bus and inspiration.
I don't know why I can't focus tonight but seconds later my mind begins to wander and I find myself being snapped back to reality when Louis shakes my shoulder.
"Audrey are you okay?" He asks giving me a concerned look and I nod waving him off as the waiter arrives placing our dishes on the table, I suddenly have no appetite and avoid the food by engaging in conversation with Zayn and anxiously waiting for the dinner to end.

Nothing Special
Fiksi PenggemarThe sequel to Just Another Girl, this book will not make sense if you don't read Just Another Girl first