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For Enjoy~ ^ ^


Nari//16//shy and friendly//blushy around Gyujin//loves him so much <3 


Nari POV

"So how long has this been a thing?" Delaney, my best friend, asks.

I had just gotten done telling her about me and Gyujin, even though we've been best friends for a solid year now. I was on a trip with my family in South Korea for a couple of months to make sure my grandparents were okay. I had met Gyujin at a toy store, two weeks into my visit, and we exchanged numbers so that his cousin and my little brother could have a couple of play dates before we left Korea.

"Well, we met a few months before his debut, and we dated a month before his debut... So a little over a year?" I reply while scrolling through our old messages. I kept all of our old texts. I smile as I read his confession to me. 

"Can you hook me up with Changhyun?" She gasps. 

Oh yeah, she's a hardcore Honey10. Even more hardcore than me, and I'm a pretty hardcore Honey10 too. 

I just roll my eyes at her while shrugging. "I dunno. They're always busy and plus, we don't have a way to get to Korea."

Delaney rolls her eyes back at me and flops back onto my bed. "Yeah, but I could always get us some tickets."

"You know you can't do that," I tell her, giving her a stern look. "My parents will feel obligated to pay you back."

My parents are way too kind. If somebody asks for money, they'll give them how ever much they want to, depending on their mood that day. We weren't poor or rich; but that was before my little brother Hanseo was born. After that, everything started going downhill. My mom dropped out of college for the second time, and my dad got laid-off for being absent too much from watching Hanseo. Because we had to pay taxes and pay for the house, water, and electricity, we were already in debt by the time Hanseo had turned 5 months. This happened a few years before I had even met Gyujin, so family chipped money in so my family could go take care of my grandparents. Even then, we were having problems.

A week after we got back to Washington, I was a bit hesitant to text him about how he was doing because we were now in different countries. So I never texted him. Another week later, he texted me, asking me how I was and saying how much he missed seeing my face. We texted, FaceTimed, and called each other for hours on end until one night, I was caught off guard with a party, and I was forced to stay off of my phone. When I woke up the next morning was when I got my phone back. I had 50 missed calls, 47 missed FaceTimes, and over a hundred texts. 

The last text was his confession:

Gyu <3: What I wanted to say, is that I really like you, Nari-ah. Even though we only met those few times. Every time I saw you, my legs would nearly give out on me. You make me happier than ever. I really do like you Nari. Please respond. 

Finally, Gyujin and I started dating. It was difficult because of time zones and he had debuted with UP10TION by then. By the time we hit our 6 month anniversary, I knew everything about UP10TION; even secrets their fans didn't know. Consequently, Changhyun (Bit-to) became one of the members I was closer to, as well as Wei. And I call Bit-to Changhyun. That's how me and Delaney became friends. She liked my blog about how I called Bit-to Changhyun and we found out we would be in school together because her family was moving from a city an hour away to my town. This was a month after Gyujin and I started dating. 

Lost in my thoughts, Delaney flicks my forehead. 

"Ow!" I shriek while rubbing my forehead. 

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