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-Victoria's POV-

"Vic... Vic! VICTORIA!" Someone said shaking me furiously.

"For fucks sake, what's the problem." I groaned rubbing my neck.

"We're in LA now, shit head." Talia snapped, pulling my arm up.

"Well shit, no need to be bitchy." I sighed grabbing my bags and walking off the plane.

"Okay, walk with your head down, paparazzi.. You know how they are." Talia sighed and walked next to me putting on her Ray Bans and Beanie.

"Yeah Yeah." I sighed and slipped my Ray Bans on.


"Talia Is That Your Sister?"

"Talia! Victoria!"

"Is Victoria Pregnant?"

"Talia!" Was all we heard until we got into the Black Range Rover.

"That was horrid, am I really that fat?" I sighed looking down at my stomach.

"Of course not Vic, there just trying to start up rumors." She smiled sympathetically.

"I would never want to have them following me around, that would be quite terrifying." I laughed

"You have no idea." She mumbled.

*skip car ride*

"I just want to help you." Talia whined as she drug me to the car

"Help me with what? I'm perfectly fine in the clothes I have now, and my hair is okay!" I sighed, my frustration getting the best of me.

"Oh shut up, let's go to Victoria Secret, you need some new bra's and you need new underwear, you can't hide from thongs all your life, sis." She laughed at me.

"I HATE THEM!" I exclaimed and sunk in the seat even more.

"Come on it's just right here." She smiled as she parked her car and hopped out. I sighed and hopped out jogging to catch up to her.

"This is going to be a long day." I muttered, sliding my fingers through my hair.

"Oh look at those!" She smiled picking up a pear of black laced thongs.

"Oh no not them, Jesus help me." I mumbled.

*after shopping*

"That was horrid!" I whined as I walked into the house and dropped the bags as I face planted into the couch.

"Little help here." Talia whined.

"Oh right." I laughed.

She had about 80 bags in her hand, which were all mine, plus the ten that were hers.

"Your hair looks amazing!" She gushed after she sat the bags down.

"Thank You." I smiled, my hair was now all blonde, and it was wavy and beautiful.

"No problem, now we have an hour before we have to go to the studio for you to start your new show." She smiled.

"What?!" I spit out.

"Your new show, The Vampire Diaries. Your the lead role, Elena." She smiled.

"I- I can't." I whispered

"Of course you can! Your amazing! I've seen you! And it's airing tomorrow night!" She smiled and handed me a water.

*After Rolling*

"VICTORIA THAT WAS AMAZING!" Tina, the producer gushed.

"Thank You." I smiled and hugged her.

"Victoria! Let's get out of here! You did amazing!" Talia smiled and pulled me out.

"To Starbucks!" We yelled and ran to the car.

"Goodness, that was so fun!" I laughed and my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I spoke into it.

"Hey Vic!" A girls voice spoke.

"Erm... Who is this?" I asked.

"Caroline!" She squealed.

"Oh... Yes?" I asked.

"Wanna hang out when you get back from LA?" She asked.

This could be my chance. My chance to make her feel what I felt.

"Sure." I said

"Great. See you at school Monday!" She said and hung up.

"Revenge is a bitch."


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