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Niall's POV

"Daddy Your Going To Fast!" Victoria screamed at the drunk man behind the steering wheel.

"Shut up Victoria!" He snapped as he sped up.

"Victoria, it's going to be alright, we'll be fine." I smiled at her as I took her hand.

"No were not! DADDY SLOW DOWN!" She yelled.

"Dad WATCH OUT!" Victoria screamed as she saw a truck coming straight towards us. She looked at me and jumped in my lap and covered me, that's when everything went black. She risked her life for mine.

"NO DONT VICTORIA!" I yelled, I sat up and found my family watching me, I was covered in sweat and laying on the couch.

"Love, was it another Victoria nightmare?" My mother asked taking the hair out if my face.

"Yeah, if she wouldn't have jumped on me and covered me like that, we would still be friends, maybe even more than that. I loved her mom, and after she forgot me, I was broken and I couldn't feel anything anymore. What was that supposed to mean?" I asked putting my face in my hands and trying not to cry.

"She forgot you, and you loved her with all your heart and more, so you couldn't stand it. But Niall, I know how you've been acting towards her and you just need to stop, your hurting yourself and her. She couldn't help that she didn't remember you, but for all we know if she didn't jump on you, dear, you might not be here today.. She saved your life, and you repay her by making her life horrid." She sighed "I know you still love her, the way you look at her, that's full of love." She added. "Oh there's a new show on tonight, The Vampire Diaries, come watch it with me!"

I sighed and got up from the couch and walked to the living room and sat with my family while we watched the Vampire Diaries, I got on my phone and started scrolling through twitter when I heard my whole family gasp.

"What?" I asked them.

"Victoria." My mom mumbled and pointed to the t.v. Sure enough, Victoria stood there on my television screen, playing the lead role 'Elena'.

"Oh my god.." I mumbled. She was beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her face, her skin, her.

"Well she's a wonderful actress, yeah?" Greg stated.

"Amazing..." My mom and I said in unison. She was sitting by a tombstone and fog started to go around on the ground.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I sighed and pushed myself off the couch. I pulled the door open to find Zayn, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Caroline.

"Did you see her? On that new show?" Zayn gushed. "She was hot. I've always liked her, but Caroline here, hated her so I just went along with it, sadly." He stated.

"Don't blame this on me! I'm friends with her now, we're getting coffee Monday at lunch." Caroline smiled.

"Woah, I think we all liked her, but then Caroline came around when we turned 7." Louis stated, glaring at Caroline.

"Well, sorry, she was always that one girl that couldn't defend herself it was pretty funny." She laughed, but everyone else was just glaring at her. "She was a stupid bitch anyways." She said, shamelessly.

"Don't. Talk. About. Her. Like. That." I spit. "Your only being friends with her now because you know damn well she could beat your ass, and you know she's famous now, so give it a rest. You've made her life hell, and we have too, but because of you." I added, my blood boiling.

"Niall, you know you love me, you never even knew Victoria, you don't really care about her, you never knew anything about her, and same goes for her, where as I, know everything." She smiled.

The guys just gasped, they knew she lost her memory. They just didn't know she saved my life.

"Caroline, I don't think you should have said that.." Liam trailed off.

"It's true!" She retorted.


"Then why didn't she know who you were?" She smirked, "your lying to me."

"She lost her memory saving my god damn life! I should have been the one to loose my memory! I should have been the one to cover her up! Not the other way around!" I spat.

"Yeah okay.." She snorted.

"Leave." I said calmly.

"What did you say?" She asked, shock written on her face.


"Whatever." She mumbled and walked out.

"Sh- she saved your life?" Zayn stuttered.

"Yeah..." I sighed slipping my fingers through my hair.

"How the hell did she do that?" Harry asked, shock on his features.

"We were going for some ice cream with her dad, but he was drunk. He was going over the speed limit, way over. Victoria told him to slow down, he just told her to shut up. I told her it would be alright, she didn't listen. She was right though, it wasn't alright. A truck came straight our way, Victoria looked at me and mouth 'I love you' and jumped on me and covered me up, then I remember hearing voices and saying Victoria saved my life and I would have died, they said she had a slim chance of living, her father already died on impact. I looked up and saw Victoria laying there, blood covering her and she was unconscious. That's all I remember.." I sighed.

"Wow, mate. If we would've known that, we wouldn't have been so hard on her.." Harry sighed.

"The only reason I acted like that towards her is because when I walked in that hospital room, she asked me if I was her brother, when I said no she just shrugged it off and asked who I was. It hurt so bad.." I sighed.

"You shouldn't have been hurting her then, none of is should have been, we should have been trying to remind her who you were.." Liam stated.

"You just don't understand how much it hurt, I just wanted to hurt her, make her feel what I felt-" I paused turning around and looked them in the eyes,



This chapter kind of sucks


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