A Thousand Years

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A/N: This first chapter takes place in the 997's. Gerard is 20, Frank is 16. Italics-Flash back/Thoughts
Gerard's POV-
My throat feels dry and I'm having an extremely weird craving, for what, I don't know. I gently touched my neck were I felt two identical marks a couple centimeters apart and hissed, wincing. It still stung badly from last night, and even then last night isn't very clear, so I'm still not entirely sure what happened.
I was walking down the street at midnight because I needed fresh air away from all the stress of home when I suddenly saw a flash of something going past me. I turned quickly, but it just happened again in another direction. I looked around, frantic and panicking, but there was nothing. When I was sure everything was okay again, I started back in my original direction, but when I turned my head, I was met with bright glowing yellow eyes. They disappeared within a blink and suddenly an excruciating pain erupted through my neck and everything blurred to black.
I had checked this morning to see what had caused the severe pain, only to find those marks. I sighed and got up, starting towards home having woken up in an alleyway.
I rubbed my neck gently in pain and the feeling in my throat only got worse. Suddenly my vision went red and my senses heightened. I smelled something all around me, but a single scent stood out, extremely alluring. I followed the scent to come upon a 16 year old boy. For some reason, I couldn't control myself and jumped on the boy, restraining him and bit hard into his neck.
His sweet sweet blood leaked into my mouth and touched my tongue as he screamed. My hand covered his mouth and I purred at the flavor in my mouth.
I soon sucked him dry and he fell limp in my arms and my vision returned to normal and the pain gone.
My hand flew to my mouth in realization of what I've done and tears built up in my eyes. I had just killed this poor innocent boy. I collapsed and sobs began wracking my body. I turned the boy over so I could see his face and gasped through my tears.
Ever so gently, I touched his cheek. He was absolutely stunning...how could I have killed such a beautiful soul? I looked at his eye, dulled though they were, they were the most gorgeous eyes I have ever laid my own eyes upon. I held the boy's body closer and cried. I slowly got up, holding this lovely creature in my arms, and started towards the forest.
Once I got there, I looked for a spot to bury him that would nearly equal his beauty. Finally I came upon a gentle waterfall and laid the boy down ever so carefully. I looked around. It was close, but not quite of his beauty, but it would have to do. I began digging a grave and once I was finished, I went over to the boy and cleaned him up a bit. I made a soft bed of flowers for him and laid him down inside the grave. I kissed his forehead and I carefully covered the boy up with another layer of flowers then took a large piece of peeled bark, cleaned it thoroughly, and laid it over his body so the dirt would not touch him.
With a heavy heart, I began filling the grave and once I was done, I found stones and circled the area with them. The beautiful boy would unfortunately be nameless at his grave, but he would be peaceful in his eternal rest.
I bowed my head in respect then left. I had no place here. I just wish I hadn't killed the boy...he was lovely. I wished to kiss him, hold him, hug him, love him, and care for him...but it was too late. He was gone, no matter how much I wished he wasn't.
As I left the forest, I couldn't help, but feel this wasn't the last I would see or hear of him. But for now, I would just have to wish I wouldn't hurt anyone else and could control my urges. For the sake of the living, I hope someone finds me out and kills me.
A/N: I'll build it up again off this. You'll notice chapters in the other one start to disappear as this one starts up.

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