Prt 1- Nightmare

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Strange dreams, I sat in my desk at school. My weekend was fuzzy at best. My back ached like hell, I didn’t remember coming to school this morning. I just remember being here.

I sat at my desk actually listening to Harely talking about meeting a fab guy at the carnival Friday. I had gone Friday night, I know I had I could almost remember it. Riding the carousel alone?

I wasn’t alone though, somebody had been there with me. I could remember it, it was a guy. I rubbed my forehead, it was far too early to be dealing with my muddled mind. I sighed ad dropped my head down onto the table and moaned.

“Rough weekend Luc?” Harely asked in a mocking tone.

I looked up at her and went to spit out some nasty remark on her resemblance to a female dog but the late bell rang cutting me off. Everybody moved into their own seats, leaving the one behind me empty as usual.

“Alright everybody, I want to start off with introducing our new student”

I looked up off the desk, when was this? I sat up and ran my hands through my hair trying to relax, I had forgotten to pull it up into a bun this morning. but I couldn’t really blame myself, I had been foggy minded all weekend apparently. I was just glad I had remembered to get dressed.

I needed to remember the weekend’s events better, I had this gut feeling something important had happened. The door opened and I looked up to meet our new student. My jaw dropped and quiet literally could have hit the table, It was Him!

Jera…” I whispered the name came so easily to me.

As if I had shouted his name he turned to look at me. Slowly Friday began to fit back into place around me. He was wearing the uniform, black pants with the white blouse and black sweater vest overtop.

His hair was spiky but unstyled, he looked cute. He had a silver hoop earring in his right ear, they were still pointed…

He slowed down and stood next to the teacher at the front of the class room. He stared at me with his green eyes. Everybody began to whisper around me, my head swirled with memory about Friday and the weekend to follow. His face was a constant in it I knew it.

“Everybody this is Jera Kuro” the teacher said waving to Jera.

Jera blinked and looked around at the rest of the class. he waved absently and his green eyes fell back onto me again.

“There’s a seat at the back behind Lucy. You can sit there” he pointed over at me.

My stomach dropped as Jera nodded and moved towards me. Everybody watched him as intently as he watched me squirm in my seat. I shifted nervously suddenly feeling trapped. I didn’t feel well, I felt as if I would be sick to be honest. He slid into the seat behind me and the teacher jumped into the lesson.

His hand brushed my shoulder lightly and I stood straight up my heart hammering in my chest. Everybody turned to look at me, I pushed away from my desk and ran out the door. I felt sick, I was using the wall to stay standing.

My legs wouldn’t hold me properly anymore. I finally gave up trying to get to the nurses or even the bathroom. I slid down against the wall and tried to breath properly again but my lungs were tight and didn’t want to take in the air.

I closed my eyes as my weekend settled into place where it should be, the haze finally lifted. I remembered Friday with Jera, going into the forest. A Perverted carnie-elf kissing me, then running, running so fast my lungs burned and my legs ached.

Then a pain in my back, this cold washed over me as I sat in the hallway, my breathing hitched and I thought of that ache. What was happening to me. I couldn’t breathe! I don’t think I wanted to at the moment. Hands grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth. I blinked and looked into Jera’s face.

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