Ron Weasley

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You tried to stifle your sobs, but you were failing miserably. Draco had once again gone out of his way to make your day absolutely miserable, but this time he had taken it too far. He had smacked you across the cheek, leaving a large bruise and a gash where his ring had connected with your cheek. You were huddled in a ball in the astronomy tower and you had prayed that nobody would find you. But luck was not on your side, as you heard footsteps climb the stairs. You moved further into the shadows in hope you wouldn't be found. "(Y/N)? I know you're in here." You heard your best friend, Ron, say softly. You moved a little out of the shadows so he could see you, but you refused to let him see your face. "There you are. I was worried about you. What happened?" You wiped your eyes and wet your lips. "D-Draco was being a prat as usual. No big deal."  You mumbled while holding your cheek. Ron walked closer and gently grabbed your free hand. "Ron, what are you doing?" He gently pulled you up and you tried to hide your face. "Ron, seriously. Don't." But he refused to listen. He continued to lead you out of the corner and to one of the balconies, into the light. When you were out of the shadows, he gently grabbed your hand and lowered it from your face. His eyes went wide and you could see him get angry. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna bloody kill him." He said while staring at your cheek. "Ron, please don't." You asked softly. He stared at you and you saw him calm down a little. He pulled you closer and searched your face for any other injuries. "Did he do anything else to you? He didn't... touch you did he? I swear if he touched you..." you chuckled a little and grabbed his sleeve. "He didn't touch me. I would have absolutely destroyed him if he even thought about trying something like that." He looked at you with concern swimming in his eyes. "I don't think I've ever seen you so quiet. Say something, please." You whispered while resting your head on his chest. He held you close and played with your hair. "You look beautiful in the twilight." You giggled a little and pulled back. "Never knew you were one for romantics, Weasley." You teased and he smiled a little. "There it is. That wonderful smile I fell for." He blushed and looked away. "(Y/N), I've never been good with words so I'm just going to be perfectly clear. I like you, a lot." You blushed and kissed his cheek. He turned back to you. "I like you too, Ron. And I know that no matter what happens, you'll always be there for me." He puffed his chest out a little and you giggled. "My brave knight. Just promise me one thing." "Anything." You took a deep breath. "Something terrible is coming. I don't entirely know what it is, but I know that it will cause great pain to a lot of people. I want you to promise me that you won't do anything stupid." You saw him having an internal battle with himself. "Ron, promise me." He looked at you before sighing. "I promise. But you have to promise the same thing." "I promise." You both shared another kiss before watching the sun set behind the mountains. "We need to get back to the dormitories. It's getting late." You said as you shivered. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around your shoulders. You blushed and thanked him. "I'm still gonna kill Malfoy the next time I see him." He mumbled and you giggled as you both walked down the stairs of the tower.

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