Tom Riddle Pt 2 (Requested)

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*this is pt 2 of the first Tom Riddle imagine*
You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves. You had come home for the summer from Hogwarts and the air raid alarms had been blasting on and off since you've gotten home. You were still shaken up from your fight with Tom a few weeks ago and you couldn't help but feel the sadness envelope you like a thick blanket whenever you thought of him. He was your everything and after that night, he had left you... empty. "(Y/N)! Quickly now! We must hurry to shelter!" You were pulled out of your thoughts by your mother grabbing your hand. You looked around and suddenly heard the ear piercing sound of the alarm going off. You shot up and helped your mom outside. You reached the shelter when you remembered you forgot something. "Mom, I'll be right back. I've forgotten something." You started to run back to the house. "(Y/N)! No!" You picked up the speed and booked it up the stairs to your room. You felt the ground shake beneath you and you steadied yourself before running into your room. You grabbed your wand and saw the photo of you and Tom from the first time you went to Hogsmeade together. You stared at it for a few seconds before grabbing it and running back downstairs. You were running across the yard and you felt the sweat trickle down your back. You heard a whistling sound above you and you looked up. It was as if time had slowed down- there was a bomb slowly falling down from above you and you knew that you weren't going to make it. You saw your mom staring at you and urging you to make it. You gave her a small smile as tears formed in your eyes. 'I love you.' You mouthed before taking your wand and shutting the doors to the shelter so your mother wouldn't get hurt. The last thing you thought before your world went dark was the moment Tom told you to never talk to him again and a single tear rolled down your cheek before you closed your eyes and felt your life slip away.
A few days later, Tom was in his room when a knock echoed throughout the house. He slipped out of his room and looked over the banister to see his mother talking to somebody at the door. He slowly made his way down the stairs and saw that his mother was talking to (Y/N)'s mother. She looked up at him and he saw tears start to roll down her cheeks. "Tom, I'm so sorry." She said before his mother pulled her into a hug. "Sorry? About what?" Silence filled the room and he couldn't take it anymore. "Tell me!" He yelled. (Y/N)'s mother pulled back and looked him in the eyes. "(Y/N) died. She ran back into the house to grab something and I tried to warn her but she wasn't fast enough." She broke down and started sobbing. Tom stood there in shock. It wasn't possible, there was no way that (Y/N) was dead. "That's not possible." He whispered. She shakily reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled up picture. "She went back for this." She said quietly while handing it to Tom. He slowly took it and when he saw who it was, he felt a single tear roll down his cheek. Even after all of the horrible things he said to her, she risked her life to grab this picture of them. He took the picture and stormed up the stairs. As he sat in his room later that night, he vowed that he would become the most powerful wizard in the world and that he would bring (Y/N) back from the dead, because even though it should be impossible he had somehow managed to fall in love with her. Years went by and Tom was slowly consumed with darkness. He changed his name to Lord Voldemort and went on a rampage to rid the world of muggle-born witches and wizards, but he had to free himself from the past- starting with his father and his grandparents. He picked up more followers, went through the Potter experience, and when he finally came back the first thing he did after his run in with Harry Potter was try and bring you back. He was sitting in the Malfoy mansion, musing over how he was going to bring you back, when Bellatrix Lestrange waltzed over to him. "My Lord, you seemed troubled." She said. "It has nothing to do with you. Leave me be." She pouted and took a seat. "If I may be so brave as to say this, sir, but if it's about that (Y/N) character she's not worth your time. I'm not sure what she did to you but you should forget her." He shot up and slammed his hands on the table. "How dare you speak her name! If you were wise you will leave and hold your tongue from now on or you'll wish you hadn't." She jumped up and scurried out of the room. He sat back down and sighed. In an odd twisted way, Bella was right. He should forget her, but he couldn't because you were his everything but he was just too stupid to realize it until it was too late. He knew that no matter how powerful he was, he would never be able to bring you back and that was the thing that angered him the most. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper. But it wasn't a piece of paper, it was the photograph that (Y/N)'s mother had given him all those years ago, the photo that (Y/N) had died trying to get. He stared at her smiling face, her carefree stature, but the thing he loved the most were her (E/C) eyes. He slammed his fist on the table and he did something he hadn't done since the night he received the news- he cried.

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