Tom Riddle (Requested)

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You groaned as you set your quill down and glared at the roll of parchment in front of you. Professor Slughorn assigned a paper on the use and effects of Centaury and you were finding it more difficult than you expected. "I'd hate to know what that roll of parchment did to make you so upset." You looked up and saw your best friend, Tom, take a seat across from you. "It's Slughorn's blasted essay. Quite frankly, i could care less what bloody Centaury does." He chuckled and you stretched your arms. "I noticed you were missing at dinner. But I see now that you've been holed up here in the library. How long have you been here, exactly?" You looked around and noticed that the candles were now lit and darkness had fallen outside the windows. "I came up here after class. I guess I lost track of time." You shrugged and he rolled his eyes. "I figured. That's why I managed to smuggle you some dinner." He pulled out a napkin and you could smell the rolls. You couldn't help the smile that etched across your face at the delicious smell. "This is why we're best friends, Tom." You stated as you reached out and grabbed the napkin, your fingers accidentally brushed against his. You felt him tense and quickly jerk his hand back. You were confused at his actions but knew better than to press him for answers. He cleared his throat and stood up. "Anyways, it's almost curfew so I've come to walk you back to the common room." You looked up at him and sighed. "Fine." You gathered your things and shoved them into your bag before standing up and falling into step beside Tom as you made your way out of the library. The trip back to the dungeon was awkward; every time you tried to start a conversation, Tom simply responded with either a hum or gave you a one word response. You felt your mood sour as you came upon the portrait and Tom quickly gave the password. The portrait swung open and you quickly walked through and made a beeline for the stairs leading to the girl's dormitory. You threw your bag down onto your bed and began changing into your pajamas. "Well someone is a bit upset." You looked over and saw (Y/F/N) sitting there with an expectant look. You sighed and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry. Tom was just acting really weird on the way back from the library." "Maybe he was so lost in thought about how incredibly beautiful you are." She waggled her eyebrows and you playfully pushed her. "I seriously doubt that." You said with a blush but deep down you hoped she was right. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. And if it still bothers you in the morning, you can always talk to him about it at breakfast." You moved to your bed and got underneath the covers. "You're right. Good night, (Y/F/N)." "Good night, (Y/N)."
The next morning, you and (Y/F/N) made your way down to breakfast in a cheery mood. You woke up a little early to finish off the paper for Slughorn so you wouldn't have to worry about it this weekend. You both walked into the Great Hall but you stopped when you saw the Slytherin table; Tom was sitting in his usual spot but to his right, where you always sat, was the person you despised the most in this world- Evangeline Parkinson. You grimaced as she laughed at something Tom said and you almost threw up as you watched her put her hand on his arm and he did nothing to move it. "Oh dear. That is disgusting." (Y/F/N) said from beside you. "I'm not hungry anymore." You muttered as you tried to make an escape, but (Y/F/N) pulled you back. "I don't think so. If you walk out, that hag wins and we will not be giving her that pleasure. We are going to sit down at the other end and enjoy a nice breakfast before going to History and losing 10 years of our lives listening to that old man drone on and on." She finished with a huff and you smiled. "What would I do without you?" She shrugged and pulled you with her. "I don't know. Probably suffer." You chuckled and sat down. You spared a glance down the table and made eye contact with Tom; you glared at him before grabbing a piece of toast and the jam.
Later that day, you were sitting beneath a birch tree enjoying the weather and the new book your mother sent you. "You've been avoiding me." You looked up and saw Tom making his way towards you. You ignored him and continued to read your book; he took a seat beside you and you scooted away. "What have I done now?" You flipped the page. "Don't act like a child." Silence. He grabbed your book and you glared at him. "Who's the child now?" "What's wrong?" "Don't play coy, Tom Marvolo Riddle. You knew exactly how I would react to your stupid little show at breakfast this morning. How could you? You know exactly how I feel about that little pray and now you've gone off and made her your girl." You exclaimed as you stood up. "Is that what this is all about? Parkinson?" He asked and you stared at him incredulously. "I knew boys lacked observational skills, but you must be the most oblivious boy I've ever met." You knew you pissed him off now. He stood and you watched as he drew his wand, something he had never done before. You reached for your own wand but Tom was quicker. "Legilimens!" You felt your head burn and memories flashed across your eyes. The first one was when you met Tom for the very first time at Wool's. You offered your hand and he took it before you both smiled. The next was when you both got your letters to Hogwarts; you could feel the happiness of reading it and knowing you were leaving Wool's. After that, was from breakfast this morning. You could feel your heartbreak looking at Tom and Evangeline interact with each other. You managed to push him out of your head and collapsed to your knees. You were gasping for breath, your head was killing you, and you felt tears streaming down your cheeks. "How bloody dare you." You grumbled as you stood up. Tom looked horrified at what he had done to you. "(Y/N), I-" You raised your hand and he stopped. "I don't give a damn about what you have to say." You glared at him once more before trudging back up to the castle and to the hospital wing.
For weeks now, Tom had been trying to talk to you but you avoided him. You were in such a foul mood not even (Y/F/N) could cheer you up. You felt betrayed and heart broken, but you had to give (Y/F/N) credit for trying her best. You sighed as you copied notes down on the Goblin Wars when you heard someone sit across from you. You looked up and came face to face with Tom. You quickly looked away and started to pack all of your things up. "Wait, please. Just give me 5 minutes." You looked at him before sighing and sitting back down. "You have 5 minutes." You crossed your arms across your chest and he visibly relaxed. "I asked Evangeline out because I didn't think we had a chance." When you made no sign of leaving, he continued. "I didn't want to ruin our friendship in case you didn't return my feelings. So when she asked if I wanted to go out, I said yes." He stopped and ran a hand through his hair; something he does when he's nervous. "And then this morning she told me that you were telling people lies about me; saying I was using magic to cheat on all my exams or that i was using Dumbledore to get whatever I wanted. So I searched you out. I wanted to know if you actually were saying these things." "For one, I would never do those things to you and I can't believe you were stupid enough to believe her. Second of all, you could have asked me as opposed to digging through my memories." He sighed. "I know and I can't apologize enough for my actions. But after you left, I tracked down Evangeline and confronted her about lying to me. She told me, after I.... convinced her, that the only reason she asked me out was to anger you and she knew that it would hurt our relationship. I suppose she was right." You looked at him and sighed. "I believe you, Tom. But you lost my trust when you invaded my privacy and I don't know when or if you'll ever fully get my trust back." "(Y/N), there's one last thing." You raised an eyebrow. "The last memory I saw before you pushed me out. I felt... your hurt and I'm sorry that I caused you so much pain." Your face softened a little but you were still upset. "Tom, I have loved you for a long time and I wanted us to have a chance. But I need time." You gathered your things and stood up. "I'm sorry." You quickly walked away and wiped a tear that managed to escape.

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