Tom Riddle

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You sighed as your friend, Amy, linked arms with you and pulled you close. "You know you don't have to escort me everywhere I go." She shrugged and then started talking about who knows what. You were muggle-born and ever since the attacks on all of the muggle-born witches and wizards began, Amy wouldn't let you go anywhere by yourself, not even to the bathroom or to your own dormitory. You both continued to walk to the Great Hall for breakfast when you felt a headache coming on. "Amy, you go on ahead and save me a seat. I'm gonna use the restroom." She stopped and turned around. "I'll go with you." Your eyes widened and you unhooked your arm. "No, no. It's just the bathroom, Amy. I'll be back soon." She gave you a look before sighing. "Alright, but if you're not back in 2 minutes I'm coming after you." She scolded before skipping ahead. You shook your head and walked to the bathroom. You walked inside and went straight to the sinks. You splashed some water onto your face and took a deep breath before looking at your reflection in the mirror. You looked at your slightly frizzy (H/C) hair and the slight bags under your eyes from the late nights of studying. You ran a hand through your hair, when you heard a weird noise coming from the doorway. You looked into the corner of the mirror and saw the body of what was a huge snake. You gasped in shock and quickly closed your eyes- it was a basilisk.You could hear it sliding across the floor and your breathing quickened. "Please don't." You silently pleaded, when a loud voice spoke up. You couldn't understand what they were saying but it was definitely a man's voice. The sound of the basilisk's hissing became distant and you took the chance of opening your eyes. You opened them and saw a shadow standing in the corner. You turned around and saw that the shadow was your best friend, Tom Riddle. You felt tears start to prick at your eyes and your heart shatter into a millions pieces. You've had a crush on him since last year and you thought that you had a chance with him. "It was you. It's been you this whole time. Why Tom?" He didn't respond, he just looked at you. "Why didn't you just let me die. I'm no better than the rest of the people you murdered." At that, he walked towards you and gently placed his hands on the sides of your face. "Don't say that. You are better than anybody I've ever met and I couldn't let it kill you." You cowered away a little and averted your gaze. "Why not?" "Because I love you." He whispered. You looked at him before quickly looking away. "Tom, how could you? You killed innocent people and could have killed me. Did you even stop to think about the pain you're causing?" You looked into his eyes and saw pain, anger, and something else you couldn't pin. "I-I'm sorry, (Y/N)." You felt a jolt of courage course through you. You threw his hands off your face and stepped back. "Don't touch me. I don't want to talk to you again and if you don't find a way to fix this, I'll report you to the Headmaster." You declared before forcing yourself to leave the restroom. Once in the corridor, you sprinted back to your room.
A few weeks later, you were walking to Transfiguration when you ran into somebody. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't- Myrtle?" You stared at the girl before you. "Yes, that's me. Is there something on my face?" You stared at her in shock; you watched her dead body get carried out of the school on a stretcher and now she was walking around alive and well. "No, I'm just glad to see you." "I'm sure. So you can make fun of me like everyone else?" "No, I just... never mind Myrtle. Have a good day." And with that, you walked away. You slowed down and tried to think of how all of this could be possible. You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear your friend call your name until she shook you. You looked at her in confusion. "Are you okay?" You looked at her before offering her a small smile. Yeah, I just need to go find somebody. You haven't happened to see Tom have you?" "I think he's in the library, why?" "No reason, thanks Amy!" You ran off to the library and saw Tom sitting in his usual corner. You walked up to him and sat down. He looked at you and a sad smile crossed his face. "Good morning, (Y/N)." "How did you do it." He looked at you and slowly closed his book. "Do what?" You rolled your eyes and moved closer. "Don't play coy with me, Tom. I ran into Myrtle in the hallway, and she was alive. How did you bring her back?" His smile slowly faded and he sighed. "How do you remember?" "Remember what? That you killed her and almost me?" His face turned serious and he went to reach for your hand but stoped and rested his hand on the table. "It wasn't my intention to harm you, (Y/N)." You groaned in frustration. "I don't care about your intentions anymore. Nobody remembers that students were murdered but you and me and I want to know why." "Remember that Time Turner I won off of Professor Dumbledore?" You nodded your head slowly. "After the incident in the bathroom, I thought about what you said to me and I went to Professor Dumbledore a few days later. I confessed everything and told him that I was going to use it to go back in time and change things. He told me how to use it and I asked him if there was someway you could remember what had happened. He told me he would take care of it and told me the rules about the Time Turner before I actually went back. It took me sometime but I prevented anything from happening." You looked at him and sat back in your chair, trying to absorb everything in. "Why did you change what happened?" You asked softly. He ran a hand through his hair before perfecting it again. "Because I don't want to lose you." You looked at him cautiously. He looked like he hadn't sleep in a few days and his uniform was slightly disheveled. "Tom, I don't know if-" "I'm not expecting you to change your mind and I'm not expecting you to say yes right now, but I want you to know that I still love you and I always will. What I did was for you and everything that I ever do will be for you. I just hope that one day you will return my feelings." He said before standing up and packing his belongings. "But for now, I hope that you'll find it in your heart to forgive me and that we can at least remain friends." He asked pleadingly. He began to walk by you when you reached out and grabbed his sleeve. He looked down at you and you met his gaze. "I forgive you, Tom Riddle. But it will take me time to love you fully again." He gave a small smile before leaning down and placing a kiss on your cheek before walking out of the library, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts.

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