Destiel-Our First Fluff

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*Dean's POV*

"That was long and annoying," Sam said as he shut the door to the bunker, locking it. He tree his duffle bag to the side and took his jacket off. "I'm going to check on Crowley then head to bed."

"You do that," I said, rubbing my forehead. "Hey maybe that girl that waited us at the diner-"

I was cut off by Sam, "Don't even think about it, you can't bring her back here." Sam was right. It was dangerous for someone to know about the bunker.

Sam made his way down the hall into the room where they kept Crowley. I grabbed a beer and headed to my room.

Before I opened the door, I heard muffled crying. I immediately reached for my gun, preparing myself. I burst threw the door pointing my gun at...Cas. I lowered my gun and set it on the dresser.

"Cas, what are you doing in here?" I asked him. He had his face buried in my pillow. He said something but I couldn't make it out. I placed my hand in his shoulder. "Cas?"

"I'm sorry Dean, I didn't think you would be back." Cas tried to contain his voice, but it was no use. He let out sob after sob.

"Cas it's ok, just tell me what's wrong." I pulled him up and into my arms. We were both sitting on my bed now.

"Crowley t-t-told me-me he was going to send some-something after you an-and kill you." Cas stuttered in between cries.

"Ah come on Cas, did you really think we were going to die? After all this?" I lifted my hand, letting it float in the air. I brought it back down to Cas' head; patting it. I stood up, only to be stopped by Cas' hand in my wrist.

He got up and met my eyes. I could never read his face until now. He was relieved. His eyes still red from crying. He came closer and hugged me. I was taken back for a second. When I hugged him back, I could sense his smile. He started to pull away, but something inside me didn't want to let go. I climbed tighter. Cas tried to pull away again but realized I wasn't ready to part. Then he squeezed even harder than me. After a nice lung crushing hug, I released Cas.

But Cas wasn't done. He came back towards my face and kissed my forehead. I could hold back my smile. Or my arms. I found my arms folding themselves behind Castiel's neck. His hands went for my waist. I felt his thumbs lift up my shirt a bit and grab my lower back. I kissed him gently.

A low moan came from Cas' throat, which made me want him even more. I deepened the kiss. Cas' warm mouth in mine made me drop. Everything was upside down. But in a good way. I wanted more. I broke the kiss and plopped on the bed. Cas took his trench coat off and came to meet me.

He straddled me, kissing me. His hands lifted my shirt even farther until it was off. I returned to favor. Our bare chests rubbed against each other as we kissed. Only braking apart to gasp for air. I leaned back, letting Cas land on top of me.

His mouth left mine and traveled to my neck. It was too much for me. Too arising. I was ready to explode. I wanted so badly to scream and shout, but the last thing I need right now is Sam running in here.

*Castiel's POV*

Jesus what am I doing. I don't do this. Father would be disappointed. But what one more disappointment from me? It's Dean. It's always been Dean. I want Dean.

Dean sighed heavenly as I lightly kissed his stomach. I hope I was doing this right. I unbuttoned his pants and tugged at them. It felt like lighting went through me at this point. Dean shot up.

"Cas are you alright?" His face was concerned and hot. No actually hot, it was red and blushed. I felt it with my hand. I had an over powering feeling of possession right now.

"I'm fine," I barley made out as my lips were against his again.

*Dean's POV*

Cas shivered as he unbuttoned my pants.

"Cas are you alright?" I ask. He responded quick but I didn't understand. I couldn't ask him again because he was already kissing me. Which was fine by me. He pulled off the rest off my pants, leaving me naked. He stopped all he was doing, say up, and looked straight at me.

"Cas," I said, trying to regain his attention. For an angel, he sure is ADHD. "Don't just stare take your pants off." I demanded. He snapped out of staring and gave me a surprised face. Then it changed into a devious smile. He hoped off of me, and literally ripped his pants off.

He got back on me and pushed my head down. "Forceful much?" I teased.

"You picked a powerful person," He simply answered grabbing my dick. Whoa! No warning or anything. Again I'm not complaining. Cas bent down and kissed me hard. I was going to sweat this was so hot. He then gradual started to move his hand up and down, slowly. I couldn't just do nothing. That would be rude. I felt for his dick too. I found it and began mimicking his actions.

*Sam's POV*

I had an unusual but thought provoking discussion with Crowley. Just the usual I-should-have-died crap. I walked back down the hallway to my bedroom, stopping at Dean's. Was going to say goodnight but something stopped me. Moans. Dean must of grabbed a copy of Asian buries or something. I chuckle to myself and take a fee steps before hearing "Cas,"

Then I remembered: We left Cas at the bunker to watch over Crowley. And Dean was for sure...and if Cad was still here...

Oh Dean, about time. I smile to myself and walk to my room.

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