Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

My name is Emma Swan I came from Portland Oregon, but I moved to New Jersey with my boyfriend the moment I turned 18 that was 4 years ago. My old friends are back there and I miss them, but Neal wont let me leave and Im to scared to leave him. We live in a gross place with all sorts of freaks and weirdos. I have to find a way to leave and a way back home, but how Im too scared to leave I know Neal will hunt me down and take me back. I dont know if I can really leave.

Killian's POV

My name is Killian Jones and I came from London England, but I moved to New York City with my family when I was 6 once my father's business took off. We now have loads and loads of money. That doesnt matter to me at all. They want me to do just as my dad does my older brother did it, my younger brother started to do it, but I want to choose my own path. So I got into my car that I bought with money I earned and left the rich world of snooty rich people and was off to be the man I want to be.

Emma's POV

Neal made me go with him to a bar in a crappy part of downtown New York.

"Emma you dirty whore get over here." Neal says to me.

"Neal lets go please. Your drunk." I say.

"Fuck you Emma! Im not leaving stupid bitch." He says.

"I'll be outside." I say.

"Dont even think about running stupid whore. I put that ring on your finger letting everyone know your my personal bitch." He says.

"I just need air." I say.

I went outside and looked around I looked at the ring and remember when Neal put it on my finger and then smacked me in the face. It was cold and I looked inside the bar and Neal was pasted out. I then saw some creep heading towards me. So I ran the other way.

Killian's POV

It was late and I needed some snacks for the road and got out and went into a liquor store.

"Will this be all?" The man asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Already that will be 20.26." He says.

"Alright Thank you have a nice night." I say to the man.

I walked out and was heading to my car when a girl bumped right into me.

"Im so sorry." She says.

"Thats alright love." I say.

"Sorry again." She says.

I noticed she was all freaked out about something and I saw some guy behind her, but he walked away when she was near me.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?" I ask her.

"Well Im stuck in a scary relationship and I cant leave Im to afraid." She says.

"Well were is the guy?" I ask.

"Past out in a bar. If I dont get back he will hunt me down and beat me." She says.

"Do you have anything personal where you and him live?" I ask.

"No." She says.

"Would you like to get away before he awakes?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I dont know how. I have now money or away out." She says.

"You do no. I'll help you. Im leaving New York and heading who knows where. Would you like to join me?" I ask.

"What am I suppose to do about clothing?" She asks.

"I'll lend you some money. If you dont mind." I say.

"Okay. I'll go with you." She says.

"Great. Im Killian Jones." I say holding out my hand.

"Im Emma Swan." She says shaking my hand.

"Well Emma hop in and let hit the road." I say.

She got inside my car and I closed the door for her and now we were on the road and we dont know where we are going, but she needs help and I need someone to talk to on the road. Hopefully this all goes well for both her and myself.

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