Chapter 34

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Killian's POV

I had heard everything my father said to Emma, but I didnt want her to freak out that I knew her secret. I walked into the kitchen and Emma was just sitting at the table waiting for me.

"Love? Are you okay?" I ask.

"We need to talk." She says.

"When women say that its never a good sign." I say.

"Killian please sit. This is something I want tell you something." She says.

"Okay. What is it?" I ask.

"Neal got me pregnant a couple years and I aborted it." She says.

"Oh.." I say.

"Well thats what I told him anyway. I left him for a couple months and had the child and gave the baby away." She says.

"Swan? Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Because I thought you should know." She says.

"Swan? Anything reason you really want me to know?" I ask.

"Because I know where he is and the woman who took him in is holding on to him for me and will give him back if I ask." She says.

"Do you want your child back?" I ask.

"I dont know. Like you said you feel like you'll be a bad father, but I really feel like Im gonna be a horrible mother. I abandoned him and now Im having twins. How fair is this to him?" She asks.

"Swan... My love listen if you want your son back its alright with me. I dont think your a horrible parent. You gave him to your friend because you wanted to protect him from Neal. Im not gonna stop you. But I must know does your son know who you are?" I ask her.

"Yes he does. When your not here or before I met you I would skype him and talk to him. He is 3 and he keeps asking why he cant be with me. Should I take him back?" She asks.

"If you want to. I will support your decision." I say.

"You arent gonna leave?" She asks.

"Like I said Swan.. I will never ever leave you. I love you." I say.

I walked over to her and kissed her head. I was happy she had told me the truth. I will never leave and I will help her with her son and care for him as if he were my own.

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