Chapter 21

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Killian's POV

"Sir your gonna have to calm down. Here let me take her." The ambulance man says.

"No dont touch her." I say.

"Sir please she will be okay." He says.

I had to let Emma go to that guy and I didnt like it. I quickly called her mom and her friends.

"Killian what happened?" Emma's mom asks me.

"We were driving and this car came out of nowhere and hit us. He or she totaled my car and it hit Emma's side and after it happened I got out in pain and grabbed Emma out of the car. She is in there somewhere back there." I say.

"Hey its gonna be okay I'll find out whats going on." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"You should get check out yourself your covered in blood." She says.

"Im fine." I say.

"Please for Emma." She says.

"Fine." I say.

I got all checked out and I was fine, but Emma wasnt even out yet.

"So I bet your wondering about Emma." Ingrid says.

"Yeah I am. Is it bad?" I ask.

"She is very beat up and hurt bad. She hasnt awoken yet, but they think she should make a full recovery." She says.

"Thank god. Now Im gonna go find that car that hit us." I say angry.

"Woah there crazy. You cant go after some car." August says to me.

"I can and I will." I say.

"Killian, we got your call are you okay?" Belle asks.

"Im fine. Emma is hurt. Im gonna find out who did it." I say madly.

"Jones no." David says.

"Remember the last time you went after someone who did something wrong." Regina says.

"You cant leave Emma." Belle reminds me.

"Okay I wont. Go. Oh right Belle, Regina, David these are Emma's friends. August, Robin, and MaryMargaret." I say.

I noticed they were all acting weird around each other, but that doesnt matter.

"Emma's awake and she is asking for you." Ingrid says to me.

I walked back to where Emma was and when I saw her I could face her. I left out the other exit that wasnt near everyone. Im gonna catch whoever did this and make them pay for hurting my Emma.

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