Chapter 19

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Emma's POV

For the last couple days Killian has been acting all weird and mysterious he wont tell me what happened the night before we left and I cant help, but think it was all my fault.

"Emma do you love him?" My mom asks me.

"I dont know yet. I dont want to get hurt." I say.

"Emma trust him. If he is hiding something from you he must have a good reason. He will tell you when he is ready." She says.

"I know. Do you think its my fault?" I ask.

"Never. Hun he told you his father might want to break the two of you up. Maybe thats what his father tried to do and Killian wanted to leave so you wouldnt be hurt." She says.

"Yeah maybe." I say.

I looked out the window and that where he was just staring at his phone. I walked out and sat next to him without saying a word.

"Im sorry I havent been to talkative lately." He says.

"Thats alright. You tell me when your ready." I say.

"My brother Liam, My Father, my ex all in one room talking about who to break us up. When they were talking I wanted to just wait till they went to sleep and then get us out of there. Then I heard William stick up for me and my love for you and realized the best way to beat them was to leave with you." He says.

"What did I do?" I ask.

"Nothing thats just it. You did nothing. My father wants me to marry money, my brother wants me to follow in his footsteps, Milah just wants me, and William wants me to be me. I love you Emma. I heard what you and your mother was talking about and this love is not your fault. Never blame yourself for my families bad personalities." He says.

"I love you." I say to him.

"Emma dont force yourself to say that." He says.

"Im not. Hearing how you choose me over money over your family. Seeing how you put me first made me realize that I love you. I love you so much." I say to him.

"I love you too Emma." He says and kissed me.

I wasnt afraid of loving him when I knew that he loved me and would put me first. Thats always how my mother described true love to me and now I have that. I am in love with Killian Jones and he is in love with me.

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