❄Chapter 3❄

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Hey guys!! Before I start typing chapter 3, I was reading the other chapters and noticed I kinda changed something... I may have to change the description of this story now cause I just messed that up, sorry!! Yeah, I think it's cause I kinda get too excited with writing this fanfic... Honestly, I'm liking how it's turning out so far and I can't wait for u guys to keep on reading what I've got planned with this story :) hehehe.. anyways, I might or might not change the 'description' of this story... I would cause I kinda just messed it up but I wouldn't cause I kinda found out a way to get back to it! Haha yeah. I just wanted u guys to know that so u wouldn't find it weird if I wrote a few things and twists that don't have to do with the description of this story... sorry... But let's forget about that and jump over a rainbow while eating skittles and move on with chapter 3!! Here it goes! Hope you enjoy! :) Read on dreamers!~


Guardian Love

Chapter 3 ❄

Jack Frost... Where have I heard that before? Thought Bridgit, still speechless, just stuck with the thoughts on her mind. She just shakes her head and smiles a bit shyly. "H-hi Jack." She bites her lip debating on wheter she should keep talking or not. "Well this is awkward... atleast, to me it is. Wait. So... are you the one who's been watching me all this time?" She asks a bit curious, wanting to know the truth behind it all.

"You make it sound like I'm a stalker, which I'm not, but yes it's me. Did I scare you? I thought you liked the cold." He said a bit in a rush.

"No, not really. I-I like seeing the ice cracks on my windows every day. It's nice. I just din't know why they appeared..." She trailed off. "I was starting to think someone was after me or something." She said a bit awkward. She was starting to get scared, but she still liked the ice cracks and patterns. It made her feel better when she was feeling down. It made her feel.... welcome and secure.

"Hehe. Sorry about that. But I'm glad you like it." He smiled and her gaze immediatly softened. How could she be scared of such person?

"It's just that... seeing all those things every year, even though I like it, it was starting to get me a bit scared. How come you always did that? I mean... I remember seeing that ever since I was a kid. In my pink room filled with dolls and princesses and a table with plastic tea cups, and then there were the ice cracks all over my windows."

"Yeah... I just thought you needed some comfort. Even though you stopped... believing" He whispered the last part, but Bridgit heard him clearly.

"B-believing..? What do you mean 'believing'? That I stoped believing? Believing in what...?" She kept asking with a frown on her face, when something clicked in her head.

That dream she had. Yes, it was filled with memories, and she thought Jack was just a dream, a fantasy even. But she remembered something. Her dream was actually a complete memory. Now she was completely shocked. Jack is real.

"I-I'm sorry. I actually thought you were... an imaginary friend." She bit her lip a bit embarrassed and still shocked. He let out a little chuckle as an answer.

"You had imaginary friends?" He asked, holding in his laughter.

"Hey, I was little, I have no brothers or sisters and was always playing alone. What do you expect from that?" She looked away with a light blush on her cheeks, which made Jack smile widely.

"Don't worry. But you see? I never gave up to catch your attention once again. I kept going everywhere you went, sorry if that sounds a bit creepy and stalker-ish, but I knew I couldn't give up on you. And look how all that finally payed off! After all these years! I just hope you never stop believing again." He said, letting it all out. He felt really happy to finally get back the attention from the one girl that made everything interesting. Bridgit.

She just shook her head with a little smile. "I think you shouldn't worry about that anymore. With my age now, I know that won't happen again." Jack just gave her his oh-so-beautiful award winning smile, exposing all his perly whites. Gosh the boy was attractive. Which now that she thought about it, it reminded her of her dream once again, and the little convo with her father earlier in the morning. Her father wouldn't ever believe her if she told him about this, but she was starting to feel concerned about herself. As crazy as that sounded. Jack turned out to be real, not just a dream, or and old 'imaginary friend'. And curse the magic that made him this attractive.

Her train of thoughts was slowly slipped away when Jack started to talk. "Well I'm just glad I got you to see me again." He smiled once again, which Bridgit returned.

"Yeah, me too. I honestly felt better everytime I saw the ice cracks in my window. So... thank you for that."

"That's what I do. That's what I wanted to do. I din't like to see you sad, I wanted to make you feel better and happier."

"Well, you did. And again, thanks for that. It... It means a lot." Bridgit smiled at him, and even though she was now feeling more at ease with him, on the inside she was still pretty much in shock. Suddenly she hears someone calling for her, and her eyes immediately widened. It was her dad. How much time was she up here?

She hoped it wasn't much.

She looked at Jack and smiled shyly before talking again. "I-I'm sorry, Jack. I need to go. I just hope I wasn't here too much time, my dad must be so worried." Jack just nodded at her with a small smile.

"It's okay. I understand. And don't worry about me, I'll be seeing you soon." He smiled with a wink, which made Bridgit blush and look away. When she finally got enough courage to look up, Jack wasn't there anymore. Her eyes widened once again and she looked around frantically. "Jack..? Jack!" She whispered/yelled trying to find the boy, but he was no where to be seen.

She sighed and made her way down the tree and inside her house, where her dad looked so scared as if he'd seen a ghost. "Dad?" She asked and he turned around and fastly went to give her a hug.

"Gosh.. Bridgit! Where were you?? I was so worried!" He said once he had pulled away from the hug.

"I was just outside in the backyard..." She said and bit her lip. Yikes. How long was it since she was in that tree?

"But I looked for you everywhere! Even in the backyard and you weren't there!"

"I was just up in the tree dad! I'm sorry."

And after a lot of explaining to do (and finding out she had been in that tree for almost an hour), Bridgit finally went to her room and sat on her bed, thinking over and over about the time she had with Jack. Ending to the conclusion that after that time...

she definately wants to see Jack more often.


Hellooo my lovely readers! How's it been? I know it's been since February since I've updated this story, so I'm sorry for the extremely short chapter. Thanks to all that time without writing, my writer's block right now is the biggest one I've ever had. I honestly think that even if this chapter was short, it was pretty crappy. So please excuse my ways of writing now. Because it definately sucks.

But I still hope you guys will like this and maybe keep on reading it. I'll see if I can even come up with more ideas for this story as my mind has forgotten almost everything I had planned for this fanfic but I still hope you guys enjoy and keep up with me and this lovely journey that is 'Guardian Love'.

As my plans before, if this story gets enough readers, it might get a sequel... Just sayin'. That is why I might make this a not-so-long story.

But anways, I hope you're all doing good and I also hope you keep on reading this story.

OMG. My birthday's this Saturday guys!! I DONT WANNA GROW UP D:

Good bye for now, my lovely dreamers! :3

See ya next time! ;)

~ NaturallyDancing_1D

[ 8/27/15 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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