Chapter 6

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Hey guys it me! sorry i havent been updating:( any comments will be very much apperciated though!!! i dont care if they are bad comments or good commenrts as long as i get to hear what you think about my book:)!!!

thanks so much


1.) try not Brush your hair when it's wet. Your hair is very delicate and more Prone to breakage when it's wet but if you do because just try to be gentelwith yout hair!

2.) stuck for nail polish to dry? Well fear not! When you are finished painting your nails, Dunk them into very cold water (As cold as you can stand) than just wait for a few seconds(you may need to put them back into the water jusrt incase) and Yayyy ur nails are dry!!!!!:D

3.) moisturize! Especially in the colder months, make sure you apply lotion and drink lots of water to keep skin hydrated!

4.) Get active!- Even dancing is excersize!

5.) not sure if nails are dry or not? well NEVERRR touck them with your fingers!!!!! just lightly put each nail inbetween your lip and nose area(mustache area lol) if it feels sticky than it isnt dry!!

6.) dont bite your straw on your drink!!! you may thinks it "cool" but its bad for you, the cemicals in it arent ment to be chewed in your mouth. you ca still use the straw just dont bite/chew it!!!!

7.) hehe inbox or comment if theese have helped you!!!!


please please please plese tell me what u think! all feedback is very much appercieated

stay oringinal!!!!!!

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