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Songs for this chapter:

Outlaws- David Lambert

Sad Song- We the Kings & Elena Coats

-One year since the accident-

"Dezzy, It's been a year today.. I think. A really long year and I need you to wake up now, baby. I need you here to hold me I can't do this.."

I paused to choke back my tears and chewed at the inside of my lip to avoid whimpers from escaping my mouth.

"Where are you? If you come back to me I can take you to the Golden Gate Bridge like you wanted. I'll take you anywhere you want to go. Please."

I cried into her hands for god knows how long and then I wiped my nose on my jean jacket and kissed her forehead. I tucked her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek gently with my thumb. I wanted to memorize her face, the softness of her skin, and the curve of her lips.

"I've written for you every day. I hope that if you ever find your way back, you'll think of us the way we were and not of me as weak. I love you more than you know."

My mind had been made up for weeks that they only way I could be with her was if I could die too. The drive to the bridge seemed to drag on for hours, but I think it was my anxiety that made everything slow down. 

I had to do this. This was the only way I could be with her.

I stopped my car on the side, got out, and walked over to the railing. The icy wind pounded my body and I shivered as I peered over the edge apprehensively. The drop was steep and I prayed that I'd already be unconcious from oxygen deprivation before I even hit the water. This is the only way I can be with you.

I hopped over the railing and held on, trying to keep my balance on the ledge.

I could see bystanders out of the corner of my eye beginning to stop and watch. 

Salty tears spilled onto my cheeks and trickled down onto my neck. I drew in my last breath and just before I released my grip, the sound of my phone bled through the cracks of reality.

And then I was aware of everything around me. The horns, the whooshing of cars. I held on with one hand and answered my phone with the other.


"Ashton? Hello! Hi! This is Dr. Fitz! You'll want to make your way over to the hospital. Ms. Regan has just come to and I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

Quivers traveled throughout my body and I struggled to keep hold on the railing as my knees weakened.

"I'll be there right now. I'm coming now. She's okay? Everything is good?"

"Yes sir."

My throat clenched up when I tried to speak and all that came out was a croak. "Thank you so much, Doctor." I hung my phone up and shoved it back into my pocket.

I hopped back over the railing and landed weakly on the ground. 

"Yes! Oh fucking Christ." I screamed out to no one in particular and pumped my fist into the air. 

She was my end, I knew it. Here I was about to kill myself and she came to save me.

I got back into my car and rested my head on the steering wheel, trying to ignore how nauseated I felt. I gulped back the bile rising in my throat, but it was no use and I quickly opened up the car door and vomited onto the street. Nice one, Ash. When my stomach settled, I sped back to the hospital to see my Dez.

[A/N] I cried a lot while writing this chapter xD I'm sorry it's so short but I really hope you guys are enjoying it and finally Dez is awake! I've been so eager to get to this point (: Thanks again for reading please vote/comment or let your friends know, it keeps me motivated when I know people are actually reading.

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