When a dream ends, and another one begins...

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I think that I just let it happen...

it was too early to be the end;

my eyes didn't want to open

and my chest was screaming since las night...

Why am I so sad?

why is this pain on my door?

I'll never know how, where or why

these feelings are just that, pain and nothing more...

I have found out that

sometimes you don't need a reason to be sad;

sometimes you are just you

with the pain, the tears, the sad songs, and the good nights...

Crawling into my bed last night

I found myself banishing into the sheets

I like that place, I like that sound

the sound of my mighty heart pumping all out...

I'm ok now, I really am

these things happen just once each every other month

maybe I call you next time, maybe I will...

or maybe the next time, I will surrender at last...

Pieces of My Soul - Random Poems from a Broken MindWhere stories live. Discover now