Enjoying the Show

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So, what is wrong with having a little fun?

Is it too much to just have the will to let it flow?

What if I am a little devil girl or

just a sweet angel lullaby flying around?

Cages, that are made of words that hurt us,

haunting our lives with pity and regrets.

So, I ask you again, is it too heavy work?

To just think of yourself as the owner of your life,

The creep that lies and lied,

Your own Queen or King in a Castle's Yard.

Limitations, breaking down your dreams,

making your diamond mind a hollow blurry empty thought.

So, what is wrong with just being yourself?

What is wrong with being an evily saint?

What is wrong with flying with closed eyes,

dreaming, crashing, and getting yourself back on track?

Rage, that is all you get,

for holding your own self and don't let him out.

Remember, always remember,

that at the end it is only yourself

the one that judges you in front of the mirror.

Do you think, really, by any chance,

that anyone but yourself

can really be that hard?

I am looking into my eyes now...

and I am proud of what I have become...

choosing very carefully what words to really hear...

raising my eyes to a new self, leading to follow...

Pieces of My Soul - Random Poems from a Broken MindWhere stories live. Discover now