Moon Lovers

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She lays on his side, her arms wrapped around his neck

her eyes glaze to his eyes and her breath is steady and slow

one of his arms holds her head as a pillow

the other one embraces her body and claims her as his for the night.

They hold each other firmly, both united by love and lust

legs intertwined and entangled one another

the intense scent of their intoxicating bodies

the sweet aroma of their consumed act.

He holds her body as an invaluable treasure he just found

she holds her as the only light on her darkest nights

the music of a lost era wraps their senses

the universe conspiring to make them one.

It is only dust remaining, from yet another night of passion,

the intense speechless acts of lovers dying in lust,

immerse on whispers and joyful tears,

the moon lovers hold, sleeping together to reborn.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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