Nightly Routines

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Chapter 4

As seventh period rolled around, I find Rose and walk with her to cooking. "Why didn't you tell me your schedule Josh?" She asked. Using my moms philosophy I reply. "I don't know, why didn't I?" Exasperated she throws up her hands. "If I knew I wouldn't have to ask you!" Good point I thought to my self. Right as I open my mouth to answer the bell rings and Rose is shown to another table by Mrs. Weidinger. Saved by the bell, we all sit in silence as she explains what we are going to do this week. "First we will be starting simple and going with baking bread. As we progress into the quarter we will start up more advanced things like salads and meats." While she drones on about what were are going to do, I let my eyes wander and look at the classroom. There are six tables and six kitchens. Each table had a corresponding color with its kitchen. There are the basic supplies needed for a operational kitchen. A stove, a fridge, cupboards and drawers. As I inspect the class Mrs. Weidinger choses me for the first question. She looks at the chart. "Joshua, what would happen if you mixed balsamic vinegar and olive oil?" My mom being a cook taught me a thing or two about these tricks. "Nothing. They will not mix. And it's Josh." I reply victorious. If she was trying to catch me off guard, it wasn't going to happen. "Hmmmm. Very good. Josh." She puts emphasis into my nickname. The rest of the period goes by pretty quick. She explains what everything is and what it does. The bell rings right as she finishes. We all rush out into the rain, glad for a refreshment after a long day. Rose and I walk for a bit and I ask her. "How are you getting home?" "The bus." A voice in my head goes, *thats good, that's right were you get picked up. More time spent with her*. I try to shake the thought away. Why should I be thinking that. I just met her. As we exit the campus and onto the sidewalk, I see my mom. So I say to Rose "I hope you had a good first day here." She smiles, "Yes I did, thanks for all the help." I nod and walk off to my mom. As I open the door and climb in my mom just has to bring up the subject. "So whose that cute girl?" I groan. "Mom please-" "Josh" "Alright fine, she is a new girl and her name is Rose." My mom considers this. "Rose is a pretty name, I'm glad you helped her." Luke takes the liberty of yelling, "Josh has a girlfriend. Josh has a girlfriend." My mom turns around and whispers, "He wishes." Great. Real mature mom. Great example. They both giggle at there own little joke as I sigh at the amount of homework I have.

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