Nightly Routines

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Chapter 10

Right after the party me and Rose walk back to our meeting spot. It's a bit awkward considering what just happened. But it's a cold so I have an excuse to give her my jacket. She nods in thanks and we walk in silence. "So how did you like the party?" We walk a couple of steps more. "I loved it." She turns and smiles at me. I take a quick glance around and see we are at our meeting place. "I look around panicked. She seems to notice, and thank god for that. She looks me in the eye, and says, "Josh," she pauses. "I don't know what to say, there's so much say." I sit her down on the bench and put my arm around her and pull her close. "I've got time." I say assuring her. She sighs and says, "I'm really happy that you went with me to the party, I hope that we get to do that again some time." She turns away slightly in shyness. I shrug. "I don't think Arnold will invite us." *good move with the us* that voice goes. "But there is a school dance coming soon..." I start. "You have dances?!" She exclaims. "Oh ya, there are really good too. In fact, I as wondering if you wanted to come with me to the dance." She blushes and stutters "you me- mean I'll- I'll be your- your date?" I shrug. "Ya that pretty much sums it up." She smiles. "Well then I would love to." I feel a warmth spread out through my body. I no longer feel the cold. We sit there in silence. "Well I should probably go, my dad will be worried." She says. "Right right if course" I manage. She stops me. "Thank you Josh." She smiles and lightly pecks my lips. I smile and jut stand there as the runs off. As I stand I try to remember what I'm supposed to do next.

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