The Chase

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I would have preferred being back on that desert planet chasing droids. Sand would be easier to clean off than whatever this trash compactor sludge was...

Other than some puddles on the corridor floor, there was no sign of the rebels outside the trash compactor. I can only imagine what would have happened to our grand scheme if our rebel prey had managed to get themselves crushed in a garbage smasher in the process.

I can hear a commotion and some blaster fire somewhere out of sight. My focus sharpens again and I take off in pursuit. I step into a hangar where there's a full platoon of Stormtroopers lined up in formation across the floor, a level up on the gangplanks I can see their commanding officers. This must be either some sort of briefing for a very large mission or more likely, a random inspection. Across the hangar, to my right, I suddenly hear what sounds like the scream of some wild animal. Looking over I can a squad of stormtroopers jogging into the hangar, the screaming sound is still getting louder but I still cannot see whoever is making all the noise. My curiosity is satisfied when a scruffy looking rebel comes charging around the corner behind the jogging troopers, continuing his insane howl. 'is he nuts?' I think to myself, just as the scruffy rebel pauses to realize the scenario that he's put himself into.

The pause is long enough that the closest stormtroopers in the hangar have time to raise their blasters and take aim and the newcomer

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The pause is long enough that the closest stormtroopers in the hangar have time to raise their blasters and take aim and the newcomer. Crap, I realize these troopers have no idea that the mission is to allow the rebels to escape! I call out, but it doesn't seem to get anybody's attention. As I charge towards the scene I raise my own blaster and begin firing towards the bulkheads between the rebel and the stormtroopers. This gets the attention of some fellow troopers as I see them turn towards them in confusion. Thankfully, before I feel myself get hammered by a stun blast, I can see that the corridor where the rebel had entered is flooded with smoke from the damage my blaster has done to the walls. As I shudder on the floor from the shock, I hope it was enough to allow the rebel to escape certain death, a very peculiar thought in its own right.


"We think they may be splitting up, we think they may now be on level 5 and level 6 now sir."

It's hazy, but those are the first words I hear as consciousness returns. I've been propped against a wall in a squad room, probably one of thousands on this station.

"The Rebels?" I ask, to whoever might be listening.

"You mean, did your little surprise attack allow them to escape? Traitor?" I hear an unseen voice reply.

"My mission..." I try to say, but before I can finish I'm hit with the burn of a stun baton.

"I don't care what your mission is, collaborator." It's an officer talking to me, I can make out his hazy uniform as he stands over my convulsing body.

"You... don't... understand..." I'm gasping to get out the words between involuntary muscle contractions. "Lord Vader..."

"What about Lord Vader? How do you rebels know he is here?" the officer cuts me off.

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